Last updated on August 23rd, 2023 at 11:37 am
My regular (congratulations) reader will be awed to learn that some things on A Bit About Britain occasionally get updated. Particular articles that have been recently improved, mainly with the addition of new photos, include those on Winchester Palace, the Tower of London, Secret London and Temple Bar.
The aforementioned reader will be even more overcome with excitement to hear that key events for 2019 have been added to the 21st century timeline. The result is possibly a little over the top and therefore may be culled in future. After all, A Bit About Britain primarily bangs on about things that happened a little longer ago. On the other hand, the 21st century timeline is surprisingly popular; so maybe a little more detail is needed for the first 18 years of this century.  Accordingly, if you think a significant item of British or world news has been missed for the years 2000-2018, please drop your suggestion to me – via the Contact Page, please, rather than as a comment.
Coming up – one of several things I want to do in 2020 is increase the number of heritage attractions, or places of interest, listed under Places to Visit. There is no shortage of places to add, of course, but I do lack suitable images. Therefore, if your favourite British attraction is not already listed AND you have a suitable, good quality, landscape oriented photograph in jpeg format that you have taken and would be willing to donate (your photo will be credited to you), please get in touch – again, via the Contact Page please.
We are thinking about a trip to England in September staying in Oxford and trying the idea of not renting a car and traveling by bus and or train. I’ll check your archives on Oxford and if we venture somewhere not in your posts I’ll try my best to take a good photo/photos to share. Cheers!
Thank you, Ellen!
We are hoping to get back to London in early 2022, so reading your older posts will be quite helpful. While I was reading the updated Tower of London post, I saw mention of the Ceremony of the Keys. I have heard it is quite difficult to get tickets for this, so we will be planning to do so FAR in advance, and hope that things work out. Thanks for the useful info you share!
My pleasure!
I did a lot of British history, art history and architecture at uni, but it turned out to be largely English and not too much about Scotland. And when I did pick up bits and pieces about Scotland, it seemed to have a slight undertone of relative insignificance.
Scotland has a fascinating past – as does Wales – though given the relative differences in population between them and England (5.2 and roughly 3 million respectively, compared with 52 million), it’s easy to understand why English history gets more press sometimes. Even though we’ve been the same state for so long, there are different experiences – though that’s the same whichiver part of the UK (or any other country) you’re looking at. I can highly recommend Neil Oliver’s ‘A History of Scotland’.
Know where youcome from updateing, I have a few on my Church Explorer that need updateing and a few I have done. My Rural Exporations is in the process of being updated I had to take down a few posts because they were linked to a Flickr account I deleted. It’s a slow process
Certainly is, Bill! So many places – so little time!
Personally I think more detail needs to be added for the first 18 years.
Recent history is interesting and shows us that not much has changed over the centuries.
True, CP – though ABAB is mainly geared toward older stuff, I agree more detail is needed. Drop me a line with a list of things you think should be included – it will give me an incentive to get on with it!
Thank you for this update about your updates. Now I am going to read a few of your updated blog posts…
You just wait – one day I’ll update the update about the updated updates.
Not surprised you update at all! And delighted!
It certainly keeps me busy, Jeanie. Maybe one day it’ll pay the rent!