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Fort Royal is a public park in Worcester that served as a Royalist redoubt overlooking the city during the Battle of Worcester in 1651.  The defences were earthworks and little trace of them remains visible.  The fort was stormed and captured by Parliamentary forces.

Future US presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson visited the site in 1786.  Adams wrote that he asked local people, who seemed unaware of the significance of the place, “And do Englishmen so soon forget the ground where liberty was fought for? Tell your neighbors and your children that this is holy ground; much holier than that on which your churches stand. All England should come in pilgrimage to this hill once a year."

The occasion was commemorated in 2009 by a Virginian oak being planted nearby, by the Defence Attaché to the Embassy of the USA, Rear Admiral Ronald H Henderson.

Post code is for a small car park.  Pedestrian access is off Wylde’s Lane.

Fort Royal Hill
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
The Commandery
Primary Management
Local Authority

Lincoln Castle has a one-thousand-year history. Built by William the Conqueror, initially in wood and later in stone, allegedly using recycled Roman blocks, the castle has been the site of conflict, as well as a prison. It was fought over during the 12th century Anarchy and withstood a 40-day siege in the early 12th century. Just a few years later, it featured in the Battle of Lincoln in 1217, when royalist forces defeated an invading French army; had they not prevailed, England would almost certainly have come under French rule. It was besieged again during the English Civil when, in 1644, defending Royalists were overwhelmed by Parliamentary forces. Later, it became a prison. During the Second World War, Civil Defence Volunteers perched on the castle’s walls scanned the skies overhead for enemy aircraft.

Courts have been held at Lincoln Castle for centuries. Today, there is a 19th century courthouse on the site, still used for criminal trials.

Little remains of the medieval castle. Visitors can tour the Victorian prison block and view one of the four surviving original copies of Magna Carta. This is one of Lincoln’s treasures. Apart from the prison and the courthouse, the bailey area of the old castle is just an open space, freely open to the public when the castle is open. However, the highlight of a visit is to walk around the castle walls, taking in various towers along the way, and with spectacular views of the cathedral and city. The wall walk was part of a multi-million-pound restoration project between 2010 and 2015; and it has been done extremely well.

Castle Square
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Opposite Lincoln Cathedral.
Primary Management
Local Authority

The Battle of Naseby on 14 June 1645 was one of the most important in British history, ranking alongside Hastings and Bosworth. The outcome of the battle was the defeat and virtual annihilation of King Charles I's Royalist army by the Parliamentary forces led by Fairfax and Cromwell, resulting in Parliament's victory in the Civil War and ultimately fundamentally changing the way Britain was governed.

The battle site is just north of the village of Naseby and is largely undeveloped since the 17th century. It can be viewed from various points, including Cromwell's monument, Sulby viewing platform and the Obelisk monument. Various information panels have been placed around the site and guided walks are available. A map is essential.

Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Bosworth isn't far...
Primary Management

Powick Bridge over the River Teme near Worcester was the scene of two battles of the so-called English Civil War (1642-1651). The first, known as the Battle of Powick Bridge, took place on 23 September 1642 and was the first significant engagement of the war. It was more of a noteworthy skirmish than a full-scale battle - a force of about 1,000 Royalist cavalry, well led by the 22-year old Prince Rupert, routed a similar-sized force of better-equipped Parliamentary cavalry under Colonel Nathaniel Fiennes.

A much larger engagement took place at Powick on 3 September 1651, as part of the more extensive Battle of Worcester – the last battle of the Civil War. The Royalist forces under Charles II were mainly Scottish and fighting was hand-to-hand. There is a memorial at the bridge which commemorates the “thousands of Scots, highland and lowland, who fought here far from home, so well and so bravely against insuperable odds and gave their lives in devoted loyalty to each other and to their leaders.” It was unveiled by Tam Dalyell MP on 2 September 2001. Worcester was a decisive victory for Oliver Cromwell and Parliament – the only downside for them was that Charles II evaded escape.

A water mill next to the bridge was converted to a combined steam/hydro-electric power station in 1894 - the world's first. Electricity generated from the power station met about 50% of Worcester's needs. It is now residential apartments.

Old Road
off Malvern Road
Powick Mill
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Limited parking
Primary Management
Local Authority

The Battle of Sedgemoor was fought on 6th July 1685, a desperate attempt by Charles II's illegitimate son, the Duke of Monmouth, to seize the throne from his uncle, James II. Monmouth's largely peasant army was no match for the king's well-trained professionals. The defeated rebels were treated terribly harshly. There is a memorial (pictured) a short walk to the east of the postcode shown, but little else to see. Parking is extremely limited. A heritage trail is available from St Mary's church in Westonzoyland.

Langmoor Drove
Nr Bridgwater
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
The Sedgemoor Inn looks tempting...
Primary Management

The Commandery is a historic building in Worcester which possibly dates from the 11th century, and which has had a variety of uses over the centuries, right up to the 1950s.  Traditionally it is claimed to have been an almshouse and medieval hospital, the hospital of St Wulfstan, administered by the Knights of St John.  The name ‘Commandery’ dates from this time.  The building was acquired by Thomas Wylde, a clothier, after the dissolution of the monasteries, and stayed in the Wylde family until the late 18th century.  In the 1950s it was being used as a printer’s workshop.

However, the Commandery is best known as the Royalist Headquarters of Charles II during the Battle of Worcester in 1651.  It is situated outside the site of Sidbury Gate, scene of heavy fighting.  One of the Scottish commanders of the Royalist army, the Duke of Hamilton, died of wounds in the building.  The Commandery is open to the public as a museum and houses an interactive exhibition about the battle, and the wider context of the Civil War.  The building also contains a number of architectural features, including a remarkable painted chamber dating from the 15th century.

Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Fort Royal
Primary Management
Local Authority

Site of the Battle of Towton, 29 March 1461, which was Palm Sunday. Towton is reputedly the longest, biggest and bloodiest battle ever on British soil, fought between the Yorkist and Lancastrian armies during the so-called Wars of the Roses. It lasted about 10 hours and the numbers thought to be involved are staggering – anywhere between 75-90,000 combatants, with the Lancastrians having a slight advantage in numbers. The figures for the dead are obscene: estimates vary wildly, but the lowest is in the region of 10,000 and highest 38,000; many sources suggest losses of 28,000, of which 20,000 were on the Lancastrian side. The site lies a little to the south of Tadcaster. There is a waymarked walk around the site, with useful information boards, and the countryside is pleasant. The Towton Battlefield Society offers guided tours.

B1217, South of Towton village
North Yorkshire
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Link to featured article
Useful Website Address
Lead Church
Primary Management
WINCEBY Battlefield

The Battle of Winceby took place on 11 October 1643. A Royalist force under Sir John Henderson and Sir William Saville was on its way from Lincoln to relieve Bolingbroke Castle, under siege by Parliamentary Forces. The Cavaliers were greeted by Roundhead cavalry waiting for them on high ground close to Winceby. The Roundheads, commanded by Oliver Cromwell and Sir Thomas Fairfax, were outnumbered two to one, but charged into the enemy. Cromwell had his horse shot from under him and was almost captured, but seized another mount and continued the attack. The Royalist horsemen panicked, fell back into their own infantry and it turned into a rout with the King’s men stuck in a hollow (to the right of the picture), graphically known as ‘Slash Hollow’. About a thousand Royalists perished and a similar number was taken prisoner; Parliamentary losses were few. Although the Cavaliers were pursued all day, the fight itself lasted about half an hour and gave Parliament virtual control in Lincolnshire.

The site is agricultural land and the post code is very approximate. Look out for an information panel in a lay-by on the north of the B1195.

B1195 (Slash Lane)
Nr Winceby
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Bolingbroke Castle
Primary Management
Private - not open to the public

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