Somewhere in England – Part 3

Last updated on August 23rd, 2023 at 11:34 am

This is the third, and fortunately final, part of our gripping video series exhibiting an unassuming English garden during the lockdown in April 2020. As with Parts 1 and 2, the narrator helpfully points out features not immediately obvious to the average viewer – such as garden benches, trees and stones.  If you haven’t seen Parts 1 and 2, you might want to do that before viewing Part 3, otherwise you may be confused by the complicated plot.

Here’s a reminder that the entire three video series will eventually appear on A Bit About Britain’s Facebook page and Twitter feed thingummy, and could even become available as a box set.  Don’t forget to join me, post your own photos and videos and share images of our unpretentious, honest, gardens with the whole world.

I know – it’s a daft place for a monkey puzzle tree.

#opengarden #lockdowngarden

Garden benches

33 thoughts on “Somewhere in England – Part 3”

  1. I volunteer for the National Garden Scheme and as the gardens can’t open at the moment, we’ve encouraged the owners to film videos as a kind of tour of their gardens (not matter how big or small). It’s been great watching them.

  2. WHAT? I LOVE your garden, so much that I would never want to leave it! Of course, you know I love all things English, so that’s no surprise.
    Stay well!!

  3. What a delight to hear your voice and see your unpretentious garden. I’m sipping my home made martini with London Dry gin as I enjoy a walk about your garden!

  4. I have thoroughly enjoyed your garden tour, especially the stone work and the birdsong, as I am a bit fed up with my own garden by now. Because I watched the videos in numerical order I had absolutely no trouble keeping up. Cheerio!

  5. Mike, you have a lovely garden and I have so enjoyed these series of videos and your tongue in cheek commentary. All the twist and turns and pathways. It’s not a daft place for a monkey puzzle tree. I love the stone characters you have dotted about and the stone walls and outbuildings look lovely and old. It’s been a delight and thanks for sharing. <3 to you all. Xx

  6. Hi Mike – fascinating garden – the plot was a little complicated with lots of red herrings … ie stairs going apparently no-where … but I did enjoy seeing around. Take care – Hilary

  7. pollymacleod

    Thank you for showing us your beautiful and original garden Mike. The birdsong is adorable.

  8. Cheerful collection of birds you have in and around your garden. Nice that they’re not worrying about covidistancing. Very reassuring to hear all that singing.

  9. These videos are delightful. I love your garden and my dog would have fun running around in it. I especially like the social area where I would enjoy a mug of tea and a good book, or a visit. I love a monkey puzzle tree. We had one in our garden in BC but hubby cut it down. But let´s not go into that.

  10. What a beautiful garden, I would love to sit there, listening to the birds, having a tea… Thanks for the videos, a very nice idea.
    A German lady

  11. A lovely series about your garden. It seems a little way away from your house, if we had that it would be raining by the time we got to the social area!

  12. I would watch many more of these videos including your light commentary — on plants, sculptures, vistas, birds, stonework…anything. Perhaps you could do another one featuring all the terrific stonework and tell us about where all those stones came from and which ones you arranged and which ones you inherited… THANK YOU for making and sharing them. I am glad you are feeling better.

  13. I’ve always wondered what a garden bench was, so thank for the visual.

    and I’m kind of disappointed that the social area didn’t have a couple of beers on the table…

    let me know when the boxed set is available 🙂

    by the way, it is a lovely garden!

  14. I love your social area and all the levels of your garden. Is this YOUR garden, Mike? Or a communal garden? I really do love how it covers a good deal of ground and looks so well maintained! Love hearing your voice!

  15. Very mindful! I actually took a video of our wisteria last week; lockdown insanity, perhaps? t’s about 50 years old and rather magnificent, in my opinion! I don’t think I can add the link here but I’ll have a go on the Twitter!

  16. Hello stones, hello bench. And to think that an Understains reunion 35 years on took place in that very garden not a thousand years from now in a reverse direction. As it were. Delightful to hear the birds still singing in that somewhere place in England..

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