
Interesting or historic pubs in Britain.

Ten things you really should do in Britain

Tiger Inn, East Dean

There’s no shortage of things to do and see in Britain.  But if you were visiting for the first time, what would you recommend?  Here are a few arbitrary suggestions, in no particular order, just to get the ball rolling: Get out of London Many visitors to Britain head straight for London.  It is one […]

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Walking around Oxford

All Souls Oxford

I’m not easily given to hyperbole; I’ve told you that a million times.  But it is genuinely hard to think of a British town that can be quite so achingly beautiful as Oxford. Perhaps I should qualify that by saying that I refer to the few square miles of the city centre where, quite frankly,

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Two Chairmen

Two Chairmen, pub sign, Westminster, London

Why on earth would anyone suggest that I might like to visit a pub?  More to the point, why would someone I’ve never met suggest I might like to visit a pub?  But that’s exactly what my ether-friend, Adrian, over on Google Plus did.  It was a few years ago, when A Bit About Britain

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The train will arrive in a heartbeat

North York Moors Railway locomotive at Goathland

I was on a boys’ weekend in Whitby. You know, don’t you, that ‘boys’ in this context actually means ‘grown men’. In fact, it would be more accurate to say ‘mature men who should know better’. But we’ll settle with ‘boys’; it’s a comforting euphemism. It’s just occurred to me that ‘euphemism’ can be a

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When Cyn and John got it together

Ye Cracke, Rice Street, Liverpool

They seemed an unlikely pair.  That wise-cracking, aggressive, scruffy teddy-boy Lennon was a world away from the demure, composed, Cynthia Powell, who came from Hoylake ‘over the water’ on the Wirral and spoke posh. It started in the lettering class at Liverpool College of Art.  John Lennon’s speciality was cartoons – often cruel caricatures –

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In search of Robin Hood

Robin Hood is one of England’s enduring legendary heroes.  Deprived of his rightful inheritance and outlawed, Robert of Locksley (or Loxley) shelters in the King’s forest of Sherwood, where he assumes natural leadership over the vagabonds and other outlaws in hiding there, all victims of medieval England’s harsh laws and brutal penalties for infringement.  Robert

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