
Places to visit in Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire’s heritage attractions and other things of interest in the country.

Walking around Oxford

All Souls Oxford

I’m not easily given to hyperbole; I’ve told you that a million times.  But it is genuinely hard to think of a British town that can be quite so achingly beautiful as Oxford. Perhaps I should qualify that by saying that I refer to the few square miles of the city centre where, quite frankly, […]

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Uffington’s White Horse – etc

Uffington White Horse

I’d tell you a tale of a battle fought and won, a dragon slain near an old fortress, an ancient trackway and a magical metalworker that flies through the skies and will shoe your horse for a few coins.  True, at first glance, what some may dismiss as a few arty scrapings on chalk downs,

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Aslan and Gandalf go for a pint

Eagle and Child, bar, Oxford

How often do you walk into a pub mentally dwelling on things like wizards and talking lions?  Be honest now.  If you need help with this, try stepping over the threshold of Oxford’s Eagle and Child, because it was a favourite watering-hole of close friends JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis. Disappointingly, there’s nothing obviously magical

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Visiting Alice de la Pole and St Mary’s, Ewelme

Alice de la Pole, Chaucer's granddaughter, St Mary's, Ewelme

I was looking for Geoffrey Chaucer’s Granddaughter – as you do.  In the process, I discovered a unique church and the last resting place of Jerome K Jerome. Let’s start with Chaucer’s granddaughter, Alice de la Pole.  Alice was quite a lady, a duchess, with extensive lands in the Thames Valley, East Anglia and overseas. 

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Balliol College

Front Quad, Balliol College, Oxford

Peeking past the porter’s lodge is looking through a window into another world; a world of privilege, beauty, tradition, history and at least a thousand stories.  Here is a bit about Balliol College, one of more than thirty academic communities that make up the University of Oxford. Across the quad from the porter’s lodge, cascades

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Mitfords, Fettiplaces and P514

St Mary's, Swinbrook, Oxfordshire

My chum Dave was at it again.  Like me, Dave is tickled by the past and finds there’s more and more of it each day.  “You must visit Swinbrook,” he said over a pint at The Olde Ruptured Duck one Friday.  “Fettiplace memorials in the church.  Amazing.  Would go well on A Bit About Britain.”

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A bit about South East England

Sissinghurst, oast houses

Including the counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey and West Sussex. The South East is the most heavily populated region in England.  It has more businesses, including international HQs, than anywhere else in the UK and is the most prosperous and cosmopolitan region outside London.  It owes

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