St John’s, Crosscanonby

St John's church, Crosscanonby

St John’s, Crosscanonby

Where is it – England, North West England

Who looks after it –  Church authorities 

What is it –  Church, Free access 

When is it from – Medieval

The parish church of St John the Evangelist at Crosscanonby stands in a lovely position on one of the earliest Christian sites in Cumbria and is packed with historical features. The present church dates from the 12th century, but the chancel arch is Roman, possibly relocated from the Roman fort at nearby Maryport. Other antiquities at St John’s, Crosscanonby, include a Saxon/Viking hog’s back grave marker, a slab, possibly 6th century, possibly depicting St Lawrence on a gridiron and a Thunder Bolt Stone. The alabaster font is 12th century and there is a fine 18th century minstrel gallery. The churchyard contains some interesting tombs – one, a local salt tax officer’s who died in 1730, includes a carving of him working at his desk.



Crosscanonby, Maryport, Cumbria CA15 6SJ 

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