Devil’s Arrows

The Devil's Arrows or Three Sisters

Devil’s Arrows

Where is it – England, Yorkshire and the Humber

Who looks after it –  Unknown 

What is it –  Free access, Prehistoric site 

When is it from – Prehistory

The Devil’s Arrows are three huge, mysterious, stones, of no obvious purpose, thought to have been erected c2,000BC (late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age). Technically, they are a ‘stone alignment’. The stones are located on the edge of Boroughbridge, one behind fencing on the south side of Roecliffe Lane, the other two in a field opposite, close to Boroughbridge Marina. The grooves in the tops of the stones are caused by natural weathering. It is thought they originated from Plumpton Rocks, about 9 miles to the south and that there were originally at least 5 stones in total. How they got there would have taken enormous effort and organisation. The Devil is said to have thrown the ‘arrows’ – which have other names, including ‘the Three Sisters’.

The location is near the junction with the A168 and parking is limited.



Roecliffe Lane, Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire, YO51 9LW 

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