WINCEBY Battlefield

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WINCEBY Battlefield

The Battle of Winceby took place on 11 October 1643. A Royalist force under Sir John Henderson and Sir William Saville was on its way from Lincoln to relieve Bolingbroke Castle, under siege by Parliamentary Forces. The Cavaliers were greeted by Roundhead cavalry waiting for them on high ground close to Winceby. The Roundheads, commanded by Oliver Cromwell and Sir Thomas Fairfax, were outnumbered two to one, but charged into the enemy. Cromwell had his horse shot from under him and was almost captured, but seized another mount and continued the attack. The Royalist horsemen panicked, fell back into their own infantry and it turned into a rout with the King’s men stuck in a hollow (to the right of the picture), graphically known as ‘Slash Hollow’. About a thousand Royalists perished and a similar number was taken prisoner; Parliamentary losses were few. Although the Cavaliers were pursued all day, the fight itself lasted about half an hour and gave Parliament virtual control in Lincolnshire.

The site is agricultural land and the post code is very approximate. Look out for an information panel in a lay-by on the north of the B1195.

B1195 (Slash Lane)
Nr Winceby
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Bolingbroke Castle
Primary Management
Private - not open to the public

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