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The Commandery is a historic building in Worcester which possibly dates from the 11th century, and which has had a variety of uses over the centuries, right up to the 1950s.  Traditionally it is claimed to have been an almshouse and medieval hospital, the hospital of St Wulfstan, administered by the Knights of St John.  The name ‘Commandery’ dates from this time.  The building was acquired by Thomas Wylde, a clothier, after the dissolution of the monasteries, and stayed in the Wylde family until the late 18th century.  In the 1950s it was being used as a printer’s workshop.

However, the Commandery is best known as the Royalist Headquarters of Charles II during the Battle of Worcester in 1651.  It is situated outside the site of Sidbury Gate, scene of heavy fighting.  One of the Scottish commanders of the Royalist army, the Duke of Hamilton, died of wounds in the building.  The Commandery is open to the public as a museum and houses an interactive exhibition about the battle, and the wider context of the Civil War.  The building also contains a number of architectural features, including a remarkable painted chamber dating from the 15th century.

Post Code
Main Historic Period
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Fort Royal
Primary Management
Local Authority

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