GUILDHALL, Worcester

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GUILDHALL, Worcester

Worcester’s current Guildhall is an impressive Queen Anne style building, completed in 1723.  It is home to the Council Chamber, the City’s former Court Rooms and the Mayor’s Parlour and an impressive and imposing Assembly Room, described by King George III as "a handsome gallery" when he visited in August 1788. Praise indeed (George was obviously not prone to excessive enthusiasm).  Statues of King Charles I and King Charles II were erected either side of the main entrance, lest anyone doubt Worcester’s Royal allegiance, and above is a statue of Queen Anne.  The building is open to the public – though check before visiting because some rooms may not be open.  The City’s tourist information office is also located in Worcester's Guildhall and has its own entrance, on the left.

High Street
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Walking distance of Cathedral and river
Primary Management
Local Authority

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