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Fort Royal is a public park in Worcester that served as a Royalist redoubt overlooking the city during the Battle of Worcester in 1651. The defences were earthworks and little trace of them remains visible. The fort was stormed and captured by Parliamentary forces.
Future US presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson visited the site in 1786. Adams wrote that he asked local people, who seemed unaware of the significance of the place, “And do Englishmen so soon forget the ground where liberty was fought for? Tell your neighbors and your children that this is holy ground; much holier than that on which your churches stand. All England should come in pilgrimage to this hill once a year."
The occasion was commemorated in 2009 by a Virginian oak being planted nearby, by the Defence Attaché to the Embassy of the USA, Rear Admiral Ronald H Henderson.
Post code is for a small car park. Pedestrian access is off Wylde’s Lane.
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