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Bignor Roman Villa is thought to have reached its peak in the 4th century. It was famously rediscovered in 1811, when farmer George Tupper’s plough hit a piece of stone. Excavations revealed wonderful mosaics buried under the turf of the South Downs and the site soon became a tourist attraction. Buildings were erected (on Roman foundations) in the early 19th century to protect the remains. These are typical flint and thatch agricultural buildings of the time and are of historical value themselves. The Tupper family still farm some 2,000 acres at Bignor and still own and run the villa as a tourist attraction. The mosaics are stunning – the up-market floor coverings of their day. Sadly, we can only make educated guesses about the people that once enjoyed them as part of their home.
Bignor Roman Villa is set in lovely countryside and also hosts regular reenactments.
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