Britain’s places

Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 05:46 pm

A new type of content has been added to A Bit About Britain.  It is a page called ABAB’s Places and is currently located as a sub-item under Places to Visit in the main menu.  Places to Visit is being replaced by ABAB’s Places.

ABAB’s Places presents you with a grid of places or items of interest, as illustrated in the photo below.  ABAB’s Places shows ALL places currently listed in alphabetical order – you will see at the bottom of the view that this runs to several pages. If you haven’t done already, have a look now.

A Bit About Britain's Places

Look at any image

If you click or tap on an image on the new page, you will retrieve a brief record for that place or item, showing:

  • A larger image;
  • A brief description of the place;
  • Its address;
  • Its location on a map;
  • A link to more information or helpful context from A Bit About Britain, if available;
  • An external link for more information, if available.  This is normally, but not always, a website for the organisation responsible for it – perhaps the place itself, or membership organisations such as the National Trust, or English Heritage.  If it is a visitor attraction, this is where you will find details of opening times, entrance fees and so on.

You will also see four additional pieces of information, or attributes, for each place:

  • Which region of Britain it is in;
  • What type of place, or item it is;
  • What historic period it is mainly from;
  • Who owns or manages it.

If you click/tap on any of those – eg ‘North East England’, ‘free access’, or ‘Tudor’ – you will be presented with a display of all listed places with that attribute.

Back to ABAB’s Places

In the main display page of ABAB’s Places is a simple search facility.  At the moment, you can use this to find, for example, all castles in a given area, or all properties managed by English Heritage.  This search facility may be developed in the future.

Of course, you can also search for any records of a specific property by typing its name into A Bit About Britain’s existing search facility on the Home, and other, pages.

What’s happening now?

ABAB’s Places is very much a work in progress.  Records are being added to it from Places to Visit on a regional basis.  As there are 900+ existing records, and each one has to be checked and updated as part of the process, it will take a month or three to complete that phase.  When one region has been completed, this will be shown on both ABAB’s Places and Places to Visit. Finally, Places to Visit will be deleted.

While ABAB’s Places has limited practical value at the moment, this will increase as time goes on.  Meanwhile – I hope you enjoy having a play with it. 🙂 

Please drop me a line via the Contact Page if you have any questions or suggestions.

Love and cuddles

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