Britain’s changing calendar

Last updated on August 23rd, 2023 at 11:34 am

News, A Bit About BritainNews for my loyal reader – the ‘Britain’s calendar’ page on A Bit About Britain, which previously listed holidays and annual events, has been massively overhauled and updated.  That page now focuses on public holidays, with all that information contained in one simple infographic.  The events information has been greatly expanded and moved to four new pages, one for each season – Spring in Britain, Summer in Britain, Autumn in Britain and Winter in Britain.

Of course, the sharper-minded admirer will point out that almost everything in Britain has been cancelled for the foreseeable future.  So the timing of this improvement might suggest a degree of misjudgement on my part.  However, the update (a major undertaking, incidentally) was well underway when the Corona Crisis struck. On the basis that “I’ve started so I’ll finish”, it was picked up and dusted down a week or so ago and completed today.  It now awaits you, the avid traveller and gadabout, ready for when the old country bursts back into life. As it will.

When it does, you’ll see that the information provided to see what’s on for each season includes links to appropriate websites.  This means you can obtain the latest details, check availability, buy tickets – and so on – all from the comfort of your own bath-chair and without having to track websites down for yourself.  Most of the major happenings have been included but, alas, Little Moaning’s annual fish slapping and wellie dressing festival had to be dropped from the list.

With astounding logic, Britain’s calendar is on the drop-down menu under ‘Britain’ and the seasonal information pages (equally logically) appear after that.  So, if you want to know what’s happening in Britain, and when, it’s another wickedly wonderful source to consult, every time, all year round. Do tell every single one of your friends.

44 thoughts on “Britain’s changing calendar”

  1. That is a fabulous resource. I found it very easily following those directions. Britain certainly has a lot of holidays, many more than the States. Oh, and I can tell that it was a lot of work.

    WordPress blogs don’t like me and will not allow me to sign in as Vee so, trust me, I am she from A Haven for Vee. *groan* (For that reason, I seldom comment on WordPress blogs.)

    1. Thanks, Vee, much appreciated. I know and enjoy your site, but don’t get a chance to visit/comment anywhere as much as I’d like these days! Hope you follow anyway. Stay safe.

  2. When I’m in France, I teach (voluntarily, although I am qualified!!) English and my students are always fascinated by British history and culture. When we return and, optimistically, my classes resume, I will refer to your very helpful calendar. In fact, I think A Bit About Britain is a wonderful resource for my learners. My advanced conversation class will be sent a link to your website whilst I’m away. I think it will be a perfect means for them to improve their knowledge and understanding of the people and the country.

    1. artandarchitecturemainly

      Ha ha Helen 🙂 I think there are so many wonderful events in the calendar that the young folk of Little Moaning simply said to their parents ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

  3. Thanks Mike – excellent and thorough as I’d expect! Good for you … I’ve almost lost track of the day … I’ll be off to the seaside shortly – and hope others have heard the plea – don’t visit us!! Take care and stay safe – Hilary

  4. Thank you for your great work. Still hoping it maybe, might, could be possible that we won’t have to cancel our trip in September to Oxford.

  5. Now I have developed a complex. I don’t have any friends to tell! My complex is so complex that it’s become helical and its transendence occurs on August 27th. Could you add that to the calendar please?

  6. This is fabulous news with the exception of the cancellation of Little Moaning’s Annual Fish Slapping and Wellie Dressing Festival, our mutual friend the major will be most disappointed. I did follow the link to check out Summer events as that seemed the most pertinent but the terminology of these menu subsections did confuse me somewhat. I did not realize, until reading your enlightening piece, that the seasons in Britain use similar nomenclature as the rest of the “mainstream” world. I thought the seasons in Britain were measured in the number of Sou’ Westers that it was advisable to wear. But then again we live and learn. Tally ho.

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