Last updated on March 16th, 2024 at 04:37 pm

The walk to Aira Force, a small but beautifully formed waterfall alongside Ullswater in England’s Lake District, is a favourite. It’s great if you’re not feeling like struggling up a serious fell, or walking too far; so you certainly don’t need to be Sherpa Tenzing to get to it. You do need decent footwear, working limbs and lungs; but that’s about it. You can, of course, build a visit to the falls into a longer walk. You can even travel there by ferry, courtesy of Ullswater Steamers. However, most visitors seem to arrive by car, take one of several alternative footpaths to the top of the falls, skid back downhill and drive on. One path is very easy and relatively short – but it’s still a little rugged in places, so for heaven’s sake change out of Jimmy’s shoes. Or whatever. Inappropriate footwear at a place like this isn’t amusing, however tempting it is to giggle.

Aira Force is where the Aira Beck tumbles off the high fells about 66’ (20 metres) vertically in a noisy gush of white foam, on its way down to Ullswater. ‘Aira’ allegedly comes from the Old Norse words eyrr for ‘gravel bank’ and á, meaning ‘river. Fors is also a Norse word, common in these parts, meaning ‘waterfall’.

The traditional route is about ½ mile from the car park through a wooded gorge to the top, across first one, then another, stone bridge. The upper bridge gives a stomach-lurching view over the falls. This was all once part of a medieval hunting ground, which was turned into the landscaped Victorian Gowbarrow Park, owned by the Howard family of Greystoke Castle. It’s a shame Queen Victoria didn’t own it, because then the waterfall could have been called Royal Aira Force. Moving swiftly on – the Howards created an arboretum, planting many specimen trees – including the rather lovely monkey puzzle pictured. Along your way, you’ll spot a ‘wish tree’ – a trunk in which coins have been embedded for good luck, or to make a wish; they’re quite common in these parts too.

Aira Force is immensely popular; if you’re looking for a quiet stroll through dappled woodland, you may need to go somewhere else. But it is a very pleasant place to visit. Small children may struggle with the steps, it is not suitable for prams and, with gushing water and steep drops, you need to keep any eye on what your offspring are up to. In good weather, however, when the water is lower and slower, there can be some good paddling to be had in crystal-clear pools in the upper part of the beck.

The facilities at Aira Force are getting more sophisticated each time I visit. These days, there’s a well-gravelled organised car park, reasonable loos, ticket machines (for parking) and even a little café selling ice creams and drinks. Last time I was there, they were constructing scary-looking steel gantry viewing area and section of footpath, replacing an unstable part. By the time I next drop in, I fully expect to see the falls floodlit. Perhaps music will be playing through speakers concealed in the trees; let’s hope not, eh?

A stunning location! 🙂
Lovely photos 🙂
I bet its noisy!
A place I must check out next time I’m camping up in the Lakes. I love your Aira Force joke, it’s just the sort of thing I would think of 🙂
Glad I’m not the only juvenile in town!
Well I can’t say I’m now in my second childhood as I never left my first! 🙂
Such a lovely area, I did enjoy your photographs, and what a beautiful waterfall.
All the best Jan
Wow what an amazing place
We visited Aira Force a few years ago and found all as you describe. A pleasant walk up from the car park and for once it wasn’t too crowded and we were able to take our time. We were surprised at the amount of money in the money tree and scattered all along the path as well. I wonder if the powers-that-be collect it up now and then?
It is a very photogenic place – you can never have enough pretty photos of a waterfall. Thanks, Mike.
I don’t remember seeing money scattered on the path; I need to go back!
We almost went here once, but the car park was so busy that we drove on. I think it was early summer, so maybe out of season would be better – it looks lovely so I’d like to see it.
Ease of access can be a drawback as well as a convenience! It’s lovely round there anyway.
Delightful place. Refreshing too.
Hi Mike – clever post about an obviously beautiful area … managing visitors is a challenge – while ‘tarting’ the area up appals me – delightful to see the area – or the Royal Aria Force – cheers Hilary
I don’t think the NT would go that far, Hilary – just my awful imagination!
I’ve learned to look for your dry humour in your posts – “It’s a shame Queen Victoria didn’t own it, because then the waterfall could have been called Royal Aira Force.”
Sorry about that, Louis…
I just couldn’t resist, Derrick; you know how it is…
Lovely reward at the end of a hike. Cool bridge.
Lovely. Well worth the effort to enjoy the view. What kind of tree is that in the last photo?
That’s a monkey puzzle tree, Cynthia – araucaria araucana (apparently). They originated from South America and were very popular with large estates in the UK in Victorian times. You can come across them all over the place now.
“Royal Aira Force”- HA! I’ll admit, when I didn’t look carefully at the title, I first expected a post on planes…
What a gorgeous spot!
Too much WW2, Anne? 🙂 Sorry about the awful joke…it’s a habit I have…
Probably a little too much, yes 😀 And I love the awful jokes!
What a beautiful waterfall!
It looks to be a beautiful spot…let’s hope it doesn;t all get over sophisticated. Royal Aira Force indeed…!
Yeah, welll…
Let’s hope it stays ‘unspoilt’. Too many of Britain’s beautiful places become overdone tourist attractions this spoiling their natural beauty.
Very true!
This looks like a great small hike for folks like me with certain health issues, love the bridge too! Coloured lights and hidden music wouldn’t be good…
Maybe just on special occasions.