A year in Britain

Last updated on August 23rd, 2023 at 11:50 am

A year in Britain, beachCasual visitors to A Bit About Britain, and the regular reader, are already spoiled.  Not only can they find inspiration to explore wonderful places, accompanied by questionably witty or downright curmudgeonly observations (and the occasional interesting fact); there is an abundance of useless information on the website too, including historical timelines and lists of monarchs and prime ministers.

It gets even better.  Today, we are delighted to announce the addition of a new page, Britain’s calendar.  Ta-dah.  Somewhat surprisingly, Britain’s calendar lists selected annual events in Britain, and all public holidays.  Like everything else on the site, it will be updated from time to time: so, yes, Little Moaning’s annual fish slapping and wellie dressing festival will eventually sear itself onto the national consciousness, courtesy of the unselfish benevolence of A Bit About Britain.

With a logic that astonishes me, you’ll find Britain’s calendar on the drop-down menu under ‘Britain’.  So, if you want to know what’s happening, when, it’s a reasonable source to consult, every time, all year in Britain.

24 thoughts on “A year in Britain”

  1. That is a fascinating addition to ABAB! Enjoying your marvelous country even as I write. Spent the day at the V&A museum and intend to go back next week. Cheers from the Cranberries.

  2. artandarchitecturemainly

    Deck chairs look like fun in your photo, and are great for reading and drinking. But lying directly on the soft, near-white sand is the test of a real beach. Towel down, sun tan cream on and life is good!

  3. Well thanks very much for this extra service, Mike. Also love that photo. So airy. even the deck chairs look as though they are contemplating flight 🙂

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