A walk round Montgomery

Last updated on August 23rd, 2023 at 11:14 am

The town of MontgomeryWe went to the small town of Montgomery, in Powys, for some much-needed peace and quiet – and found it.  Girdled by lush landscape, the old county market town of Montgomeryshire has a Georgian appearance and is a peach, a place to mentally recharge.  There is little to attract the seeker of brash entertainment, or retail therapy.  In fact, Montgomery contains few shops, even fewer pubs (we spotted one, but never found it open) and – as far as we could tell – no sports bars or nightclubs.  Tsk tsk.  To compensate for these shortcomings, derive cerebral stimulation from a splendid, ruined, castle, an interesting church, a wonderful museum, a surprising number of other fascinating features and walks in the very green countryside, red kites wheeling overhead.  It also has a hotel, the Dragon (what else would a Welsh hotel be called?), which has a pleasant bar serving real ale, and a decent restaurant – both of which I do regard as essential.  There is little rowdiness, but plenty of bright chatter, for Montgomery is also quite one the friendliest places I have ever come across.

We arrived too early to drop our bags or have lunch, and were forced to kill time sitting in dappled sunshine in the garden behind the Castle Kitchen café, sipping great coffee and munching the most amazing cheese and herb scone I have ever had.  Sometimes, life is tough. Later, we set off to explore the town.

The origins of Montgomery

Montgomery, Broad StreetThings have been going on in and around Montgomery for some time.  High on a wooded hill behind the town is the site of Ffridd Faldwyn, a multivallate Iron Age fort with indications of Neolithic settlement.  Skipping forward in time, a few miles to the north is the site of Forden Gaer, a Roman fort that lay on the road to Wroxeter and which its builders probably knew as Lavrobrinta.  Later, as the Anglo-Saxons came to dominate what is now England, the area became bandit country between the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia and the British tribes to the west.  Part of Offa’s Dyke, the eighth century defensive earthwork that roughly follows the border between England and Wales today, is a very short distance to the east of town.

However, the direct ancestor of Montgomery is generally given as a place known as Hen Domen, which means something like ‘old mound’ in Welsh.  This is where the first Montgomery castle, a timber motte and bailey affair, was built in the early 1070s.  Its builder was Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury, Earl of Arundel and one of King William I’s most powerful supporters.  Like his fellow Norman nobles, Earl Roger sought to consolidate authority over the English in the wake of the Norman victory at Hastings in 1066.  He generously gave the name of his ancestral estate in Normandy to the castle – and thus the name of this mini-municipality on the Welsh-English border is French.  Later, Hen Domen passed to one Baldwin de Boulers and it is from him that Montgomery gets its Welsh name, Trefaldwyn, ‘the town of Baldwin’.  The castle was rebuilt in stone on a dramatic rocky hilltop about a mile to the southeast between 1223 and 1234.  It is the ruins of this later, far more formidable, fortress that tower over the walled town that developed in its shadow.  The town was intended to provide an income to the castle and received its Royal Charter in 1227.  Hen Domen fell into disuse, its earthworks still visible on private land adjacent to the modern village of Hendomen.

You get the feeling that Montgomery was busier in the past than it is now.  It is hard to imagine that it was once a central part of the Welsh Marches, an often violent frontier area between England and Wales in the medieval period, where mighty Marcher Lords exercised authority largely independent of the King of England.  In the thirteenth century, Montgomery was attacked and taken by the Prince of Gwynedd, Llewelyn ap Iowerth – Llewellyn the Great.  Llewelyn dominated Wales for 45 years.  His grandson, Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, was acknowledged as Prince of Wales by King Henry III of England at the Treaty of Montgomery, on 29 September 1267. The Welsh leader Owain Glyndŵr attacked and destroyed the town in 1402; it is said to have remained a ruin for two hundred years.  Yet it still had strategic importance; Parliament seized the castle during the Civil War and the subsequent Battle of Montgomery that took place just to the north east of the town in September 1644 was a major defeat for the Royalist cause. The castle survived, but was slighted in 1649.

Montgomery castle today

Montgomery Castle, PowysThe impressive remains of Montgomery Castle can be accessed from a small car park above the town.  But it’s more interesting, and rewarding, to heave yourself up a short, steep, lane from the old Market Square outside the Dragon Hotel.  At the foot of the lane is an ornate retaining wall and former well beneath what was formerly the town reservoir.  The lane is known as the Conduit and was an escape route for the townspeople to the castle in the event of a Welsh raid. A little way up the Conduit, on the left, is a handsome three-storey, residential brick building.  A plaque on the wall tells you that this was the first County Gaol, built in 1740.  In 1803, its inmates consisted of “Debtors 3,, Felons 10, Lunaticks 3”.  By 1823, all male prisoners had been transferred to the new County Gaol on the other side of town; one female remained.

When you reach the castle, it is easy to appreciate why the location was described by one of the advisors to the 16-year old King Henry III of England as, “suitable for the erection of an impregnable castle”.  The Norman-English apparently thought of Montgomery as the gateway to Wales.  Even now, the castle’s rocky foundations, remaining walls, ditches and modern wooden bridges indicate its once formidable defences.  It is particularly remarkable that medieval miners dug 210 feet (64 metres) through solid rock to ensure the castle’s water supply.  We leant on its old walls and looked out over the beautiful valley of the River Camlad toward Shropshire, and down onto the pretty town below.  Unimpressed, a handsome horse stood munching vegetation in an adjacent field.

Unsociable horse at Montgomery Castle

Montgomery Memorial

Montgomeryshire memorialA path opposite castle entrance eventually leads to Town Hill, on top of which is the County War Memorial, built in 1923 to commemorate those from Montgomeryshire who had been killed in the First World War.  It has since been rededicated to honour those who have died in all wars.  Cows stood guard when we visited; I am never too sure about cows.

Dragon Hotel

Dragon Hotel, MontgomeryBack in town, the Dragon Hotel, a former 17th century coaching inn, dominates the small Market Square.  Rumour has it that materials from the castle were used in its construction.  The old covered coachway leading to the rear of the building has been attractively converted to a new entrance foyer.

Montgomery Town Hall

Town Hall, MontgomeryThe Town Hall was built in 1738 on the site of a previous guildhall.  It is still in use for markets and other events and has a ballroom on the first floor where the county assizes were once held.  It faces onto Broad Street, lined with attractive buildings, including the aforementioned Castle Kitchen café.  Most of the houses are built on the site of 13th century plots (burgage plots), a standard width of two perches (33 feet).

St Nicholas’ Church

St Nicholas, MontgomeryThe present parish church of Montgomery dates from the 1320s – the same age as the castle above.  It is dedicated to St Nicholas of Myra, or Bari, patron saint of children (of course – see Santa Claus) and, among other things, sailors, brewers and pawnbrokers.  St Nicholas’ is a large, attractive, church with an impressive roof.  Its features include an original 13th century rood screen, choir stalls and misericords, all brought from nearby Chirbury Priory when the latter was dissolved in 1536.

Herbert tomb, St Nicholas, MontgomeryHowever, you might be more astonished by the ornate Herbert tomb, an Elizabethan canopied monument to Richard Herbert (1557-96), Lord of Montgomery Castle, erected by his wife Magdalen (1561-1627).  The couple lie together, side by side in ghostly lifelike effigy.  He is wearing armour; she is more comfortably attired.  Behind are featured eight of their ten children, which included the poet George Herbert.  Beneath them is a memento mori, an effigy of a cadaver – presumably representing Richard.  Magdalen is not entombed here; she moved away after her husband’s death, remarried, and is buried in Chelsea.

Also somewhere in the tomb is the couple’s grandson, Richard, 2nd Baron of Chirbury, who died in 1655 and was the last of the Herbert family to live at the castle.

Effigies in St Nicholas', MontgomeryTo the left of the elaborate tomb, on the floor, are two simple effigies.  Closest to the wall, wearing a helm rather like the Black Prince, is possibly another Richard Herbert, grandfather of the Richard in the tomb, who died in 1534.  Closest to the camera with long, flowing, hair is said to be an effigy of Sir Edmund Mortimer, one-time constable of Montgomery Castle, who died in 1408 supporting Owain Glyndŵr at the siege of Harlech. He married Glyndŵr’s sister Catrin, while his sister Elizabeth was the wife of Henry ‘Hotspur’ Percy. Mortimer appears in Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part 1. Personally, I found the effigies more interesting than the big, extravagant, monument.

The Robber's Grave, MontgomeryIt doesn’t end there, oh no.  Outside in the churchyard, not far from the rear entrance, is the Robber’s Grave.  This contains the mortal remains of John Davies of Wrexham, convicted of highway robbery and executed in Montgomery in 1821.  Davies swore his innocence and said that, just to prove it, no grass would grow over his grave for 100 years.  The lurid version of the story is that he spoke his words as the noose was being placed round his neck, and as thunder and lightning crashed and flashed around the town.  His grave certainly seems a little bare in places, but maybe it has been worn by the feet of tourists.  Of course, the place is haunted; but it’s a graveyard, so it would be, wouldn’t it?  Actually, I am a little surprised that a convicted felon was buried in consecrated ground, rather than anatomised or gibbeted; but please don’t let me spoil your fun.

Second County Gaol

Second county gaol, MontgomeryNestling among a small estate of bungalows off the Chirbury Road is a grand gateway.  Now residential, this was the gateway to the second County Gaol, which opened in 1836 – though the gateway was built in 1866.  The gaol closed in 1878.  As you can see, the inhabitants when the photo was taken were loyal monarchists; there is even a cutout of Her Maj by the Royal coat of arms.

The old walled town

Old town walls, MontgomerySeveral of Montgomery’s streets follow the route of the medieval town.  However, in the middle of a residential area, Arthur’s Gate, is a section of restored wall and a tower, with a ditch.  It seems slightly out of place; or maybe the houses are.


Bunners, ironmongers in MontgomeryIt would be wrong to suggest that Montgomery is bereft of any retail establishments whatsoever.  A small Spar provides everyday essentials, there is a lovely florist’s, a home interiors shop – and there is Bunners.  People kept mentioning Bunners in enthusiastic tones: “You must visit, Bunners,” they said.  I hope I have quoted that correctly.  Bunners describes itself as a traditional ironmonger, which it is; but it is so much more too.  In addition to the things you would expect, such as tools, brackets, hinges, paint and brushes, it sells toys, kitchenware and gifts.  It sells stoves and garden equipment.  You never know; we wanted some socks, and got some.  Established in 1892, Bunners is still a family business and, inside, it is a little like stepping back in time.  There is a traditional shop counter with friendly, helpful, staff who know their stock.  You can still buy a single screw, rather than a pack of 10 or more, most of which disappear into a man box, never to emerge again.  Eat your heart out B&Q.  Beyond the counter, the place is something of a rabbit warren and, frankly, worth exploring for the experience and education.

Old Bell Museum

Old Bell Museum, MontgomeryAcross the road from Bunners is the Old Bell Museum.  This is a local history museum situated in what was a 16th century inn.  It is run by volunteers – so not open all hours – but it is extremely good.  There are exhibitions about Hen Domen (including one of the best models of a reconstructed motte and bailey castle that I have ever seen), Montgomery Castle, the Battle of Montgomery – and, of course, life in Montgomery.  It is one of the best local museums I have ever visited; we spent ages there.


So – that’s a bit about Montgomery.  If you haven’t been, think about it.

Montgomery Civil Society has devised a series of local trails, including a comprehensive trail round the town, which are available locally or from its website. https://www.montgomery-wales.co.uk/tour/trails.html

Click or tap here for the website for Montgomery Castle

Click or tap here for the website of the Dragon Hotel

Click or tap here for the website of St Nicholas’ church

Click or tap here for the website of Bunners

Click or tap here for the website of the Old Bell Museum

64 thoughts on “A walk round Montgomery”

  1. The gatehouse was decorated with the Queen as part of the towns 70th jubilee celebrations.
    The church bells are now sadly part of the mourning.
    Great article and very knowledgeable history.

  2. Thanks for the recommendation. We loved our trip to Montgomery last week. Stayed at the Dragon, visited most of what you recommended and left feeling restored and relaxed. Another recommendation we’d make is to visit Kerry Vale Vineyard. The friendly bus driver dropped us off at the entrance, we enjoyed a tour and wine tasting, followed by a delicious lunch and a walk back along Offa’s Dyke.

  3. Montgomery (or Monty as we call it) is just down the road from me! In fact, I was there on Thursday morning and the Friday before. Bunners is a must, so I’m glad you mentioned it! The book shop is well worth a visit too. In fact, the town held a brilliant book festival in mid-June.

  4. artandarchitecturemainly

    In an old market town, it would have been great to have the Dragon Hotel, a coaching inn, a market square and a wide main street. But is the only market these days in the Town Hall, on the site of a previous guildhall?

  5. John @ By Stargoose and Hanglands

    There seems so much of Wales that is relatively undiscovered by tourists. There ought to be an organisation that mirrors the National Trust and preserves the scruffy but important bits of British history – hardware shops, village petrol stations, pre-fab houses, small mixed farms, non-conformist chapels, that sort of thing….

  6. Hi Mike – nice to see a post – and especially about such an interesting town – it sounds the ideal post-covid place to visit … while the Dragon seems an ideal stopping point for a few days. Lots of history here … especially the church, let alone the local area – wonderful weather you had. Did you get to see Julie Christie’s farm – which is nearby? I’d love to see Bunners too – what a fabulous shop to have in the town … love that sort of place. Cheers Hilary

  7. Wales has been on my someday list. I should like to discover it here. So, I need to look up if Montgomery is in Wales or near Wales. The town looks absolutely charming and interesting, too. You really should be teaching history. You’d be fabulous — make it come alive!

  8. My goodness, this is my new favorite place. Thank you, Mike. You do such a wonderful job of combining old and new, history and architecture, city and countryside., and of course lovely photos.

    1. Yikes! I forgot to mention the bookshop! But it was never open when we passed. And, to be fair, the hotel bar is something of a community hub. One night the residents couldn’t get a seat because it was local bingo night!

  9. Splendid stuff indeed. Whenever I pass some Barratt Homes (or similar) development I chuckle into my ruff, wondering what far-future historians will make of the ruins of the Show Home and the short stretch of faux wall and faux-gates… 😉

  10. “Debtors 3,, Felons 10, Lunaticks 3”. Sounds like Boris’ cabinet.
    I enjoyed this tour very much….and think I would be spending hours in Bunners. So like Spranges, the ironmongers of my childhood, where chaps in brown warehouse coats could, it seemed to me, produce anything you cared to name from the labyrinth behind the wooden counter.

    1. Brown warehouse coats – yes!! I’m inclined to agree about Boris’ cabinet, though I suspect rather more lunaticks. But think, if incompetence and lack of leadership were crimes, we’d have no parliament at all.

  11. Montgomery sounds like just the kind of place I like. The info about the church and castle is very interesting and Bunners sounds very much like the J B Banks ironmonger’s shop in Cockermouth – that one has a small museum within it and there’s some interesting history attached to the shop in general. If you’re ever up that way you should visit, it’s an amazing place – I wrote a blog post about it in early July last year.

      1. If you do go have a look at the History Wall in the Old Kings Arms Lane, an alleyway/courtyard off the main street – some amazing photos of the 2009 floods, it’s unbelievable how high the water came up and how far it spread. Also in the J B Banks shop the counter top with its very old ornate cash register and all its old coins and keys on display under the glass. I’ll look forward to seeing a future post 🙂

  12. Nice commentary on the town which looks an idyllic place to go,. Its north of where I go near Buildt Wells

  13. pennyhampson2

    Montgomery sounds like the sort of place I should visit and the fact that it has a shop like Bunners means my husband would love it too. Bring back the old fashioned ironmongers!

  14. Dorothy Willis

    It sounds like our kind of place! I’m impressed by the luxurious (looking) accommodations for jailbirds!

  15. I think every town should have a Bunners. I know our town should have one and it doesn’t. I think I will complain to our town council. Maybe this could be the start of an international “Bunners for all” campaign.

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