Dumfries & Galloway

Places to visit, attractions, heritage and things of interest in Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland.

The Devil’s Porridge

Mixing the Devil's Porridge

There is an exceptional little museum in the unassuming village of Eastriggs, in Scotland’s Dumfries and Galloway.  The Devil’s Porridge Museum tells an unusual tale, of ‘the greatest factory on earth’, what it produced and the people that worked in it.  It is a reminder of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.  The factory was called […]

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Dervorgilla’s Sweetheart

Sweetheart Abbey, in honour of John Balliol

These are the remains of Sweetheart Abbey, founded by Dervogilla Balliol. Here’s devotion for you.  When her husband, John Balliol, died in 1268, Lady Dervorgilla had his heart removed, embalmed and placed in an ivory casket which she carried with her for the rest of her days.  Apparently, it sat there at mealtimes, her ‘sweet

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