Last updated on November 2nd, 2024 at 01:21 pm

Here’s a story with a healthy bite. There are thousands of varieties of apple, but just one that is generally considered to be the cook’s favourite in the UK – the Bramley. Bramley apples are large and green, with a sharp taste that makes them unappetising to eat raw, but flavoursome when cooked, with the added advantage of a firm texture. But how the Bramley got here was a complete accident.
Our tale of the Bramley apple begins about 200 years ago with Mary Ann Brailsford. Young Mary Ann lived with her mother, father and little sister in a cottage in Easthorpe, a tiny village on the edge of Southwell, in Nottinghamshire. One day, sometime around the year 1809, Mary Ann took some pips from an apple her mother was baking in a pie and planted them in a pot. It’s the sort of thing children do, isn’t it? One of the pips grew into a healthy seedling that, eventually, had to be transplanted into the cottage garden. Time passed: Mary Ann’s tree grew; she married in about 1813 and moved out of the family home; her father, Charles, died and her mother, Elizabeth, stayed in the cottage until her death in 1837. Mary Ann appears to have inherited the property, which was bought by a butcher, Matthew Bramley, in 1846. By this time, Mary Ann’s tree was mature and producing fruit.

Enter Henry Merryweather, son of a Southwell nursery owner. He knew his stuff, did our Henry. In 1856, aged just 17, he came across a friend carrying some attractive, large, green apples and, clearly sensing a new branch for the family business, asked where they had come from. So he went to see Mr Bramley and asked if he could take some cuttings from the tree to grow in his father’s nursery. He could have received a tart response, but Mr Bramley agreed – provided the plants were called Bramley’s Seedlings.
The dates and details in the above account vary, depending on your apple sauce.

Moving quickly on, H Merryweather & Son Nursery went on to develop the Bramley, presumably based on good core principles, their first recorded sale being on 31 October 1862, when they sold three apples for two shillings (10p). The Bramley apple is now grown at hundreds of sites in the UK, producing thousands of tonnes of fruit every year. There’s a particular variety that’s been developed in Northern Ireland, the Armagh Bramley, which has protected status and a six-page HM Government product specification, including the following characteristics:
– Large in size (60-120mm diameter);
– Flat sided, ribbed apex, large eye which is part opened;
– Solid green colour with reddish blush;
– Sepals are brown and downy;
– Stalk is short and thick;
– The flesh is white with a tinge of green and is firm and moist;
– Tangy flavour;
– Maintains texture and taste when cooked;
– Robust allowing for longer storability.
Who would have thought that the mother of all Bramleys was grown from an apple pip of unknown variety planted by a little girl more than two centuries ago, pollinated by the right kind of bees, who had visited the right kind of apple blossom along the way, and nurtured in the good soil and temperate climate of the English Midlands. Sadly, Mary Ann died in 1852, ignorant of her contribution to British cooking, fruit growing and bureaucracy. Or perhaps the real heroine was her mother, Elizabeth, who presumably nurtured the tree through adolescence into adulthood. Certainly, Matthew Bramley seems to have had precious little to do with a fruit that should probably have been called the Brailsford.

Of course, you’re itching to know what happened to the original tree. Well, it survived being struck by lightening in the 1900s and was lovingly cared for by a Miss Nancy Harrison until her death, aged 94, in 2014. Nancy lived her whole life in or next door to the Brailsford cottage, making sure the original Bramley apple tree was in her garden, and proudly showing it off to visitors from all over the world. However, the aging fruit tree got into a bit of a stew by developing honey fungus in its later years and will probably be shortly joining the great crumble in the sky, if it hasn’t already succumbed. Scientists from the University of Nottingham used tissue cultures to micro-propagate the tree and create clones of the original Bramley, and these are now growing on the University Campus as well as being sold commercially. There was also a report that Nottingham Trent University hoped to rescue the tree, by buying the cottage and the garden for postgraduate student accommodation. Perhaps it is hoped the students will be motivated to preserve the tree with the prospect of making cheap cider.

Southwell certainly tries to make the most out of its famous fruit – and why not? There are references to Bramley apples all over the place (not least a fabulous window in the Minster) and heritage trails taking in pertinent, as well as possibly less pertinent, spots. There is a Bramley Apple Festival every year, in October. 73 Church Street, where the tree was planted, is about a 10-minute walk from the Minster – the tree is now in the garden of No 75. It’s a private property, there’s nothing to see except a plaque on the wall and the place looked decidedly sad and run-down when we visited. What a pity a local group hasn’t stepped in to restore it to apple-pie order and preserve their heritage.
Apparently, the Bramley apple is not well known outside the UK, though it is available, if you look hard, in North America and Australia. However, the BBC reported the now defunct Bramley Apple Information Service (you couldn’t make it up, could you?) saying that the fruit is ‘revered’ in Japan and that one Japanese apple farmer said he “nearly cried” when he visited Southwell.
Someone needs to write the movie script for this, before anyone else does.
Ooh! B ramleys! Haven;t seen one for years and when I still lived in England (the 70s)and we joined the Common Market, one of the things France did that upset the apple cart, so to speak, was insist that the only apple was the the damned Golden Delicious. You simply can’t beat a Bramley for cooking! And, since I seem to have my chef’s hat on, you must be familiar with the saying , oop North, that ” apple pie wi’out cheese is like a kiss wi’out a squeeze!” Not sure if it had to be a specific cheese, but I favoured Cheshire. You put the cheese on top of the apples, before you added the pastry lid.
Actually, I can’t remember not being able to get hold of Bramleys. The French obviously lost that argument. I’m no cook, but would have thought that Golden Delicious was far too mild for a cooker anyway. As for apple pie with cheese, I haven’t heard about that either – but you probably know that cheese is often eaten with fruitcake in Yorkshire, so anything’s possible! 🙂
In 59 years of living in the US, I never saw one. Our loss. They’re wonderful.
Well, I really don’t know how your fellow countrypeople manage to make all those apple pies!
We use Granny Smiths. They’re good but not at all the same. And no, I have no idea if three really was a Granny Smith.
Maria Ann Smith in Sydney Australia accidentally planted a tree by throwing out crab apple cores. One had been fertilised by a domestic apple and grew. In later life she had many grandchildren and was known as Granny Smith
Thanks very much – I didn’t know that!
I had no idea. Thanks. I did know that apples planted from seed won’t reproduce the tree they came from, and most will be terrible. Johnny Appleseed, of American legend, who went across the country planting apple trees from seed apparently is based on a real person, and most of the trees he planted would’ve grown cider apples, not eaters. So basically, it wasn’t Mom and apple pie, it was let’s all get drunk.
Sounds like the beginnings of a plan! 🙂 Cider is such an easily consumed, happy, drink…
Great story and puns – I loved it all. I grew up in Surrey and Bramleys were the only apple used for cooking – I don’t think anybody knew of any other. I have been living on the west coast of the USA now for 50 years and it is only since I joined a local Tree Fruit Society that I have been able to obtain a Bramley scion which I grafted last February. I hope I am still around to eat some of the fruit and spread the word.
Thanks very much, Gordon; glad you enjoyed it. Send us a piece of the first pie!
Very interesting. Sad it’s not even known if the original tree is still alive at over 200 years old – not sure if that’s a good innings for an apple tree or not.
I got an A Level in Biology, but I’m also unsure how pollination works with just one tree of its species – self-pollination with the help of bees ?
I’m here because I just made my first bramley apple pie, using the Hairy Biker recipe – although I used a Christmas holly leaf cutter to decorate the top with the spare pastry and my friends thought it was a giant mince pie!
I heard someone created a map of public apple trees, so hopefully I might be able to find a free supply nearby – assuming bramley trees are now quite common in England.
This writer knows nothing about pollination, but thank you for visiting A Bit About Britain. A map of public apple trees sounds like a great idea. I know many villages have community orchards – and of course you can often pick up cheap or free apples from people who have a surplus. Like the sound of the pie… 🙂
Reading this about the Bramley , after watching g. worl d ! My husband is origanilly fromKirkby in Ashfield ,loves his Bramley apple pies ( we have a tree in the gardens o hear that they could have been called Brailsford !! as his family name is Brailsford Sipson mrs j sipson
As a resident of Southwell, an incomer, I enjoyed this article and the comments, too. We are only sad in the sense that the tree has got old and is dying. The story lives on in the blue plaque and the Minster window and the fruit lives in its descendants all over the world. I knew Nancy Harrison briefly when we served on a local committee together and she constantly had journalists and tourists knocking on her door, asking to see the tree. Trees get old ; even the Great Oak in Edwinstowe has the equivalent of a Zimmer frame keeping it upright.
Thanks, Pauline, for dropping in and leaving a kind, and interesting, comment. You’ll find a bit about the Major Oak HERE – though as a local I’m sure you know all about it anyway! Love the idea of the Zimmer!
Bramleys were familiar to me when I was growing up in England, but here in my corner of Canada they seem to be unavailable.
I rarely make apple pies with any other apple. We have a Bramley apple tree in our garden – as do several other people in our village. It is not a ‘Bramley Seedling’, which, as the name suggests, is a tree grown form the seed of the Bramley. Our tree is grown from a cutting from the original Bramley tree. (I’m not the gardener here. I’m just spouting what my husband has told me. I’m just chief cook and bottle washer!)
I hadn’t known the details of the story of this apple’s origins, and found it so interesting! I’ll think about it next weekend when I make yet another apple pie for my grandson.
The Bramley apple is far the best apple for cooking with. I haven’t seen one around for a long while…
This was fun to read especially since I just finished pruning my apple tree. Maybe it will be famous one day. 🙂
Mike, being a food person, I was drawn to this post. I don’t often see Bramleys (I’m in the US), but when I do I buy them up. Another English apple I love is the Cox’s Orange Pippin. Now you have me craving a Bramley apple pie. PS Loved your apple puns.
Hi Jean. I remember the Orange Pippin used to be a very popular eating apple – Braeburn seems to be the one now, and I think that’s from NZ.
Now pretty much all new fruit varieties are the result of University laboratory very scientific cultivation. This reminds me of the American Johnny Appleseed story with the added appeal of a little girl to boot.
I live in Michigan and Johnny Appleseed was the first thing I thought of. I don’t think we kept good records of the types of seeds. Certainly not this good.
interesting story!who knows, maybe they make a movie:)
Well, it might be a big hit in Japan…
Hi Mike – wonderful post … the Bramley is a special apple that’s for sure … we must have had a tree down in Surrey when we were growing up – we often had baked Bramley apples – so good! Interesting account – loved finding out more.
I really should check up Honey Fungus … it is a non-desirable and kills so many trees … but for now I’ll get on – cheers Hilary
What a great story about an apple tree. It would make a great kids book, don’t you think.
I’m sure you’re right – from little seeds and all that!
Darlene, my name is Susan Allen and I have published a children’s book on the origins of the Bramley. My book is called Mary Ann and the Apple Tree. I read my book at the Bramley Festival in Southwell this past October, and in December I shared it with students from various schools in Southwell, at the Minster, and in Newark. I you would like a copy, they are available at the Cathedral Gift Shop at Southwell Minster, at the Nottingham Visitor Information Center and on I hope you will check it out and pass the word. I will be appearing at the Gate To Southwell Folk Festival in June. If you have the chance, stop by the storytelling tent and say hello!
Thanks for leaving details of your book, Susan. Good luck with the sales – and I hope you’ll enjoy exploring A Bit About Britain.
I liked very much your post about your book for children. I grew up in Beaconsfiled, and we had a huge Bramley apple tree,. I learnt to climb the easier fork of the tree but longed to climb like my older brothers could the more difficult fork. I was about 10 (1957) when I finally could and could disappear in the foliage and much away on a bramley apple and avoid laying the table for evening meal!, I still love the tartness and crisp bite today and making apple tarts and crumbles.. Sadly the tree died in the late 1990s and had to be cut down. My sister sold the family home and moved with our eldest newphew to live in Warwickshire in 2013. I live in Devon with my husband. Our children used to swing on a swing from the tree just like we did, and later climbed the tree.
Libby, thank you for sharing your memories of your Bramley tree. I’m sorry your tree is no longer living, but your fond memories of it will live with you always.
As I am currently in the UK, I would be happy to send you signed a copy of my book directly through my website
You will find it less costly than Amazon and I can personalize it for you. Perhaps you have grandchildren who would enjoy the story and beautiful illustrations?
Best regards,
Susan Allen
Thank you, Libby, for your memories, and Susan for your wonderfully kind offer!
Good to read the history of this useful apple, especially with the addition of puns! Ours had a bumper crop last year!
Loving those puns Mike. And I love my Bramley tree and its fruit as well.
Fascinating, Mike. I’ve walked past the original site many a time. Your puns will never give me the pip
Yes – I heard the peels of laughter, Derrick…
I always enjoy your wit, as I did today! I wonder if it tastes like the Granny Smith; I love the tartness.
You can just about eat a Granny Smith raw – a Bramley is too tart.
Oh, what a pity, it looks so crunchy delicious. I like a tart apple.
You’re right, it’s not well known (or widely grown?) outside Britain. We live in one of Canada’s biggest apple growing ares, and I’ve never seen them for sale.
The English Heritage blue plaques really do link historical people and events to buildings that are still standing today. Your photo of the Church Street plaque tells a good story.
Never heard of these apples but I am in Aus not the U K, I did find the whole post interesting though
We purchased a Bramley Seedling Apple tree just a fortnight ago at the Home and Garden Expo held at Lardner Park, Victoria. I had learned of the Bramley through Delia Smith’s books and videos. You can purchase a Bramley from Strzelecki Heritage Apples, here in Victoria, Australia. PS We went to the expo especially to buy our Bramley!
That’s useful intelligence for my Australian reader – thank you!
Lovely apple! We planted one in two of our gardens when in France, but I can’t remember what we planted with it to pollinate it…I think it needed two different varieties.
I was hoping for something about the Bramley after that lovely window which featured in your post on Southwell Cathedral…and you gave it in sopades! Lovely post.
I follow the late great Geoff Hamilton’s advice and plant a James Downey next to my Bramley.
Strangley I wrote the Bramley Apple story on my blog after staying at the University of Nottingham’s Hotel called The Orchard last April. The restaurant was called Bramleys Brasserie, and all of this provoked my interest particularly. I discovered a small Bramley orchard planted behind the hotel in their millenium garden with plants cloned from the original tree in Southwell by the university.
Yes, I remembered your article. The University of Nottingham has changed a lot – I studied there and there wasn’t a hotel in my day! But they’ve been carrying out botanical research there for years.
It’s not one I’ve heard of before.
Can’t make this stuff up.
Oh it would definitely be a box office hit in America! (But one would have to add a ton of violence) Maybe Gwynneth Paltrow’s daughter Apple could star in it somewhere? I learned, besides the fact that you’re able to come up with a bushel of puns, that Mr. Bramley was one smart cookie and Mr. Merryweather was a commendably honest man. Now I’ll have to be on the lookout for the Bramley apple. And evidently like most kids, Mary Ann cared most about the planting of the seeds than she did about the resulting tree, or she would have dug it up and moved it with her – or at least have taken a cutting like the enterprising Merryweather did. What a fun post!
Not keen on apples, but fascinating story.
Great to read the origin of the tree in my garden.
Such a lovely interesting story Mike. Over the years I must have made hundreds of pies using Bramleys and never given a thought to the origin of them. I used to plant all sorts of things when I was just but a slip of a girl. Bramley rolls off the tongue, Brailsford just doesn’t sound right though does it? I hope the tree survives, I’m sure the students will take great care of it if there’s cider to be had 🙂
What a ‘sweet’ story 😉
As long as it a-peels to my core audience… Thanks for dropping in!
It is a great apple, the best cooker there is. But what a pathetic lack of enterprise from this town, its one claim to fame is allowed to decay. They must be a very sad lot in Southwell!
I tend to agree; though, to be fair, Southwell does have other claims to fame.
I’ve never heard of this Apple, thank
You for the tour!