Last updated on July 30th, 2024 at 03:18 pm

Ribblehead Viaduct is one of the wonders of Victorian construction. It also provided the inspiration for a UK TV drama Jericho, which premiered in January 2016.

It’s not hard to be impressed by Ribblehead. Not just because it’s quite big – it is a quarter of a mile long – but also because it seems so remote. Not that it is, really – not these days, anyway – and, sure, there are bigger and more spectacular bridges and the like in the world, and more off the beaten track ones too. But there is something deeply powerful about Ribblehead Viaduct. It is a singular statement of our ancestors’ endeavours – striking out across the bleakness of Yorkshire’s Batty Moor, but not quite conquering it. Perhaps it’s the contrast between man and nature; sweet and sour; beauty and the beast – though I couldn’t tell you which was which. And, frankly, on a bad day, both can be fairly ugly.

Ribblehead Viaduct sits, conveniently as it were, between two of Yorkshire’s famous three peaks, the glowering trapezoid of Ingleborough and Whernside’s whale-back hump, and there are terrific views of it from the tops of both. Actually, on a clear day, you can even spot it from Pen-y-Ghent. In any event, the Viaduct is a landmark when heading in either direction between Ingleton and Hawes, or when walking this part of the Dales. Turn a corner or crest a rise and it comes into view. “Oh,” you think – or say out loud – “There’s the Viaduct.” As if its presence reassures us that all is well. And, if you’re lucky or have done your homework, you’ll spot a steam loco of the Carlisle-Settle Railway, steadily puffing its carriages high overhead, across the dale; magnificent.

There is a certain comfort in continuity from the Victorian era, which shaped so much of modern Britain. But it is the human story that adds so much to the Viaduct’s aura. These days, a construction project like the Ribblehead Viaduct would demand a securely fenced compound, containing neat Portacabins providing site offices and messing facilities; one sign would apologise for any inconvenience and another would list the low number of accidents. Workers would drive to site, or catch a ‘bus, and go home to the welcoming bosoms of their families every night. It wasn’t like that in the 1870s, when shanty towns grew up around the more remote building sites for the itinerant workers. The settlement at Ribblehead was called Batty Wife Hole. (“A good name for our house,” remarked a friend.) Closer to the Viaduct was an engineering camp they called Sebastopol, which had a suburb, Belgravia – maybe intended for the better-off workers, or maybe simply ironic. In the 1871 census, an astonishing 74 buildings with 342 residents from 34 different countries are shown for what we might call the Ribblehead Complex. Different sources suggest there were anything from 1,000 to 2,000 workers engaged at peak times – and there they lived, drank, fought, worked, were born – and died. Many of them are buried in nearby Chapel-le-Dale, in unmarked graves.

Perhaps some were buried on the moor, victims of horrendous accidents – or even murder. Which brings me on to the TV drama, Jericho – nothing to do with one of the oldest settlements in the world on the occupied West Bank, but the name dreamt up for the fictitious settlement clustered around the construction of the equally fictitious Culverdale Viaduct – allegedly based on Ribblehead. Starring a big-bustled Jessica Raine (Jenny Lee in Call the Midwife, as well as on the small screen in Wolfe Hall, The Last Post and Baptiste), Jericho came across as a kind of hammy British Western, without the amusement provided by Red Indians or the 7th Cavalry. It was, of course, a period drama, with all the essential ingredients these seem to demand; a rom without necessarily the com. A cynic might have observed the clichés of kind-hearted prostitutes, slightly mysterious hero with a chest (Hans Matheson), boring class warfare and a general air of, “Eee, but it’s grim oop north”. A cynic may also have enquired whether historical accuracy was sacrificed on the altar of diversity and overseas sales by having an African-American site agent, Ralph Coates, played by the excellent Clarke Peters. It would be wonderful to believe that Britain, which had founded an Empire partly on the proceeds of black slavery, was that socially advanced 150 years ago, despite its lead in abolishing slavery and other liberal credentials. Quite bluntly, I would have thought that most folk back then were inherently bigoted and that a chap like Ralph Coates wouldn’t last long, even if he got there in the first place. Wriggling in my seat a little in front of the box, I also couldn’t help thinking that the actors in general seemed to be rather well-dressed and altogether far too clean.

I guess, at the end of the day, a TV drama does not need to be 100% accurate and, to some extent, disbelief should be suspended. In any event, my observations might be unfair: of course it was tough back in them days, Clarke Peters said in an interview that African-Americans travelled back and forth across the Atlantic prior to the American Civil War, we know that Batty Wife Hole was more cosmopolitan than many places in Britain are even today – and the enlightened Norfolk town of Thetford elected Britain’s first black mayor, Allan Glaisyer Minns, in 1904 – so what do I know? Finally, I am advised that the kind-hearted prostitute isn’t a cliché. Thank you, Dolores.
Whatever, Jericho deserved credit for shining a spotlight on a part of Britain’s story that most of us probably know very little about. It captured aspects of Ribblehead’s construction that the layman could only guess at. The foundations of the 24 arches are 25 feet deep; the arches would have been surrounded with wooden scaffolding as the construction crept upward; men would have been swarming over the structure like ants, without a hi-vis or hard-hat in sight, pulleys and ropes swinging dangerously, cries and instructions whipped away in the wind. Though not filmed at Ribblehead (apparently the main external location was Rockingstones Quarry, near Huddersfield), the sweeping vistas shown in the series, taking in the viaduct in progress against a background that resembles Ingleborough and the surrounding hills, were quite breathtaking. Clever CGI, I guess.

Apparently, Jericho did local business no harm at all – which is good to hear. Regrettably, I was unable to finish watching it, being called away urgently to watch paint dry, leaving the construction unfinished. ITV decided not to commission a second series and it is a matter of profound regret that we’ll never know what happened to the narky navvies and the rollicking romances. I like it when girl gets boy (or vice versa), don’t you?
You can’t help but wonder what they would have made of the TV show, those long-gone Victorian engineers, navvies, their women and children, camped in a temporary settlement with a population larger than anywhere else in the vicinity, inadequate sanitation, scant regard for safety or well-being and few basic comforts. How can a TV drama portray the reality of that heartbreaking existence in one of the richest nations on earth? When they were finished, after five years, they moved on, leaving their dead and little else behind. Many of the buildings were taken down, to be re-used elsewhere. Now, hardly a trace remains and you need the benefit of an expert eye to see that they were there at all; the Viaduct could have been built by invisible giants.

Fascinating history of the building of the viaduct. I love the names of the settlement.
The bridge is stunning. I think it is the vastness and the contrast of manmade against the natural environment.
Me too.
Hi Mike – I’d love to visit that area … see the viaduct and ride the train. Yet I think I’d better at some stage watch Jericho … just to get an idea of the history brought to life – knowing it’s not the best historical record around … it’ll give an idea. Lovely photos – thanks for this … cheers Hilary
Maybe the first episode… 🙂
I must add a second comment to congratulate you on your photographs here, Mike. A real challenge in terms of scale, and you made it look easy 🙂
Thanks for both comments, Quinn. I’m afraid I’m pretty much a point and shoot photographer, but I take lots of shots on the basis that some will be OK!
I’ve seen this viaduct in paintings and always wanted to know something about it. Thanks, Mike! And it sounds like I needn’t go looking for Jericho on any of the video streaming websites…oh, well, my Videos To Aid In Procrastination list is probably long enough.
The viaduct has been high on my list of places I want to visit when in Yorkshire, but I don’t know if I’ll ever actually make it there – difficult without a car, I suppose. Your photos are beautiful!
As for Jericho, I heard/read about the series but have never watched it. By what you say, I won’t go looking for it, either.
Any chance you could get there by train to Ribblehead station via Settle? Pack your walking boots and make a day of it…finish up with a beer in the pub.
To get to Settle from Ripon involves a bus (to Harrogate) and two trains (to Leeds and then to Settle) and takes at least 2 1/2 hours (if all goes well). Then another train to Ribblehead station… and the same route back again. I guess I’ll rather ask one of my friends or relatives to give us a lift 🙂
Ah – public transport in Britain isn’t always great outside towns. Hire a car? Make a weekend of it and stay in a local B&B!
A good idea – except for the hiring a car bit 😉
I have never possessed a driving license (never even tried to learn how to drive), and although my sister has a car and drives regularly in Germany, she does not dare to face the traffic on the “wrong” side.
An amazinf feat of engineering. Saw it for the first time acouple of years ago when I was walking The Dales Way
So interesting and beautiful photography 🙂
All the best Jan
The best part about Ribblehead is that it’s still in use and can be experienced. That’s what I call an investment !
Good point!
Another remarkable relic of the Victorian era.
That’s a very impressive landscape but sad about the graves.
Another informative post about a great feat of engineering Mike. I’ve never seen Jericho, but I’ll be looking out for it now
Apart from the construction scenes, I wouldn’t look too hard, Malc!
Thank you for all the historical research, Mike. I have travelled over the viaduct by steam train but I never watched ‘Jericho’, in fact I had never heard of it until I read about it here.
You lucky girl! On both counts 🙂
Absolutely stunning & enjoyed reading about its history. Those workmen, wow sounds a tough life. Going back to read it again.
Yes, another world. The place is certainly worth a visit to get a sense of the context.
The sepia picture with the perfectly placed tree captures the mood beautifully. I once travelled on an Intercity train with a fellow commuter. My companion got into conversation with a homely young woman opposite. She was going home from Paddington to visit her parents. He asked her if she was a nurse. She replied that she was “sort of” – she was “a working girl”. He asked for her phone number. She declined. When he went off to the buffet she gave me her number. That’s my kind hearted prostitute story.
And a very good story it is too…thank you, Derrick – always reliable… 🙂
Great British engineering! The victorians were able to span just about anything, and remarkably these structure still stand today. How many of our modern structures will do the same!
Fascinating, Mike! It appears to be just a few miles off of our route this fall, and a great place to stretch our legs. The mason army work reminds me of the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC. Great story!
Be wary of the small roads in the Yorkshire Dales (and elsewhere, actually) if you’re travelling in a large camper van.
Good question. Maybe we’ll save the ‘iconic’ ones – suggestions on a postage stamp…
Heard of Jeicho but never seen it.
Maybe worth seeing if you’re looking for an excuse not to tackle the job that you keep putting off…
Very interesting Mr Davies. An amazing work of construction. Regarding black people in the U.K. I saw a number of entries in the Parish records in the Falmouth area of Cornwall in which black men married women with typical Cornish surnames over 200 years ago. The grooms were described as ‘Negro’ in the Registers and most appeared to be Seamen/Mariners. Gael Phillips, Australia.
There’s certainly a history there and Britain has a broader multi-cultural history than many people realise.
A Bit About Britain does welcome visitors. The posts by author and historian, Mr J D Davies, are very interesting and informative.
Wow that thing is massive! I never saw Jericho but saw it advertised a couple times. I hope the paint dried alright 🙂 Excellent pictures and a very informative post
Thanks, MB; it was either that or watching the grass grow/antiques age etc 🙂
An impressive structure, and in quite a wonderful setting.
I enjoyed the series Jericho and wished they would have continued with it. Thanks for the interesting background on the viaduct. We visited a 2000 year old Roman aqueduct here in Spain last month. Amazing!
Can’t compete with a 2000-year old aqueduct, Darlene!
Poor devils, they were expendable…..
I didn’t see the serial, which would probably have annoyed me, but having an African American somewhere in sight seems to be obligatory. I saw a programme recreating the dances of the Jane Austen books and there, inevitably, dancing with the rest of the toffs, was a mixed race chap…somehow, out in rural Regency England, I don’t think it very likely.
I am not telling Higher Authority about Batty Wife Hole…he would be out ordering a house sign in minutes…
Yes, part of the ugly face of capitalism. We are, of course, anyway a nation of hybrids.
I’ve never been there, but the photos have always lured me in spirit, for there’s something so romantic about that structure. Like Stonehenge but newer. Okay, maybe not quite. We watched a couple episodes of Jericho but personally I got bored and would rather see a documentary. I always enjoy your writing style, Mike, and the info you pass along in the most pleasant manner.
Thanks, Judy. Ribblehead is very close to places I know you like.
An amazing feat of architecture and building! Never saw Jericho which is a shame as I’m rather partial to slightly mysterious heroes with a chest 🙂 Lovely shots of the V duct Mike.
Great comment, Fraggle! Though I hope you don’t look on heroes as mere objects… 🙂
Oh I so do!!! 😀
Sheep May Safely Graze there now – I always wonder if they gaze in awe at the viaduct or tread the spongy moor obliviously! We love Ribblehead and always try and get there when staying with our friend in the Lune Valley. Cyberspouse longs to catch some sunlight, but we never have. On our last visit we just got there in time for the steam train and caught pictures good enough for Facebook – technology has advanced since we first gazed upon it last century.
I think we can be fairly certain that the sheep are indifferent to the charms of the viaduct. Of course, if I was organised, I’d coincide train times, weather and opportunity and make a special trip!