Whittington Motte and Bailey

Whittington Motte and Bailey, Lancashire

Whittington Motte and Bailey

Where is it – England, North West England

Who looks after it –  Church authorities 

What is it –  Castle or Fort, Free access 

When is it from – Norman

The remains of Whittington’s motte and bailey castle lie entirely in and under the parish church and graveyard of St Michael the Archangel.  It is situated on the side of a hill, with wonderful views.  In spring, the churchyard is full of daffodils and crocuses.  The oldest part of the church is thought to be 16th century, but it is believed that a church has been on the site since the 12th century.  With the exception of the motte, the earthworks have become so degraded by the church structure, enclosure and graveyard as to have completely lost their original form.  The remains of the motte, which is covered with burials, lies to the west of the church and has a sundial on the top.  Some say the site was a pre-conquest moot hill, or meeting place.

Whittington was recorded as Witetune in the Domesday survey and was possibly an important local centre before 1066, when the lord was Tostig, brother of Harold Godwinson.  The motte and bailey is one of several such castles in the Lune Valley, probably constructed by the Normans post-Conquest.  Others include Halton, Melling, Arkholme, Castle Stede, Kirkby Lonsdale and Burton in Lonsdale.



Church Street, Whittington, Lancashire LA6 2NS 

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