Postman Pat’s Post Office

Postman Pat's Post Office in Kendal

Postman Pat’s Post Office

Where is it – England, North West England

Who looks after it –  Private - not open to the public 

What is it –  Curiosity, Film or TV, Literary 

When is it from – Modern

Postman Pat, the children’s TV character, was conceived and born in Kendal, where his creator John Cunliffe (1933-2018) lived, on Greenside. Pat’s post office is still there, a few doors up, but closed in 2003 and is now a private residence. It is not open to the public, so walk past the home of your hero and be awed, but do not linger and gawp. Post code is for the nearby Rifleman’s Arms pub – an excellent hostelry last time I visited.



Greenside, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4LB 

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