King Edward’s Monument

King Edward's Monument, Solway Firth

King Edward’s Monument

Where is it – England, North West England

Who looks after it –  Local Authority 

What is it –  Free access, Memorial, Royal connection 

When is it from – Stuart

King Edward’s Monument is a large and lonely sandstone memorial to King Edward I of England, who died on Solway Plain on 7th July 1307, en route to invade Scotland – again. The monument was first erected in 1685, though the current version dates from 1803, and is allegedly placed exactly where the king’s tent was. The post code is for the village church. Walk from there or take a minor road north toward the Solway, park on a small piece of waste ground and complete your visit on foot across soggy paths/fields. Where appropriate clothes.



1.25 miles NNW of Burgh by Sands, Cumbria CA5 6AW 

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