Last updated on December 20th, 2024 at 07:49 pm

Every Christmas Eve, millions of people all round the world tune in to their TVs or radios to listen to carols from King’s – or ‘Nine Lessons and Carols’ – from King’s College Chapel, Cambridge. The broadcasts are an essential part of Christmas for many; for some, they mark the beginning of the Christmas celebrations, or provide a marker that the toil of the year is almost done and a period of quiet reflection is possible before the New Year. It is astonishing that this tradition means so much to so many, not just in the UK, but far beyond these shores; it has a timeless quality, almost as though it has always been there. Of course, it hasn’t; but it is the product of more than 500 years of history, bringing us to a point where the paths of the past meet, forged through the offices of long-dead kings, the humble, the proud, lovers of song – and despite of, or even inspired by, terrible war.

Henry VI (1421-71) is often judged to be one of England’s more unfortunate monarchs. The very opposite of his warlike father, Henry V, peaceful and pious Henry VI’s unsuitability to rule is frequently cited as one of the main causes of the awful dynastic struggle known as the Wars of the Roses. Plagued with mental instability, poor old Henry was hopelessly out of his depth in this conflict and died – almost certainly murdered – abandoned and lonely, in the Tower of London. However, in 1441, when still a young man and before things started to go horribly wrong, Henry founded King’s College, Cambridge. The year before that, he had founded Kynge’s College of Our Ladye of Eton besyde Windesore. The original plan for Eton was to provide free education for 70 poor boys and Henry then decided that its sister institution in Cambridge, the College roial of Oure Lady and Seynt Nicholas, would only admit scholars from Eton. And, for 400 years, that’s exactly what happened.

The construction of King’s College, next to the River Cam, was a major development in what had hitherto been a built up part of medieval Cambridge’s bustling town centre, commencing with the demolition of houses, riverside port facilities – even a church. Hard to imagine now. It took three years just to purchase and clear the land. Construction of the chapel itself began in 1446, but came to a sudden stop after the defeat of Henry’s army at the Battle of Towton in 1461. Thereafter, not much happened until Richard III’s brief reign (1483-85), when he instructed that work should resume with all speed. It was Richard’s nemesis, though, Henry Tudor, victor of Bosworth, Henry VII, who ultimately made completion of the chapel possible – though he did not live to see it, either. Henry VII died in 1509, to be succeeded by his son, Henry VIII; the chapel’s structure was finished by 1515, but final fit-out, as it were, ran on until 1544. The different stone used in each phase of the chapel’s construction can be seen quite clearly outside, providing an interesting kind of architectural project timeline.

It was the college founder, Henry VI, who determined that the chapel should have a choir. He wanted poor boys, under twelve years old, of “honest conversation” and able to read, for choristers – though they would undertake other duties as well, such as waiting at table in Hall. The composition of the choir is laid down in the College Statutes of 1453, which stipulate that there should be sixteen boy choristers in addition to scholars. The boys were given their meals, clothing and board, but had to obtain permission to venture outside the college grounds. Except for a few years in the 1550s, and during the Commonwealth of the 1650s, when choral services were suppressed, King’s College choir has been singing services for over 500 years

Entering King’s College chapel today produces one of those, “Oh, wow!” moments. Well, that was my experience anyway. Television did not prepare me for the size, space, luminescence and sheer beauty of this medieval building. It is long – 289 feet (88 metres) – disproportionately slender – 40 feet (12 metres) – and the breathtaking fan-vaulted ceiling, the largest of its type anywhere in the world, soars 80 feet (24 metres) above your head. Tudor iconography is all around: the hugely symbolic Tudor rose, uniting the red rose of Lancaster with the white rose of York; the portcullis, badge of the Beaufort family of Henry VII’s mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort; the Dragon of Cadwallader, representing Henry VII’s father’s Welsh origins. Each of the figures is unique. Coloured light streams through the stained glass windows, making patterns on the floor, walls, people; it really is quite extraordinary. All of the chapel’s stunning windows were completed in the 16th century, except for the huge west window, which is Victorian.

The choir area is warm, and familiar from photographs and TV. Entrance to it is through a massive oak screen, a gift from Henry VIII; it bears his initials, and those of his executed queen, Anne Boleyn. At the east, altar, end, beneath the great window, is Rubens’ ‘Adoration of the Magi’, painted in 1634 for the Convent of the White Nuns at Louvain, Belgium, and donated to the college in 1961. Smaller chapels – chapels within a chapel – flank the main area. Each one is beautiful, and interesting; and there is a fascinating exhibition which explains some of the construction techniques. One of the side chapels, the Chapel of all Souls, serves as a memorial chapel for members of the College, Choir School and staff who fell in the two world wars. The poet Rupert Brooke, who died in April 1915 on the island of Skyros, on his way to fight at Gallipoli, is remembered there.

And it was out of the dreadful experience of the First World War that the service of Nine Lessons and Carols from King’s College, Cambridge, came to be. To be fair, there are other, and older, festivals of Nine Lessons and Carols, but it is the service from King’s that has captured the imagination, and whose simple format continues to be imitated in churches around the world today. The structure of the service tells the story of the Nativity in nine Bible readings, with carols in between, and was first created in 1880 by the Bishop of Truro, Edward White Benson. It was a young clergyman and decorated military chaplain, Eric Milner-White (1884-1963), who introduced it to Cambridge.

Milner-White, apparently a shy but very kind young man, got a first in history at King’s and was appointed chaplain in 1912. He volunteered as an army chaplain after war broke out in 1914, served on the Western and Italian fronts, was mentioned in despatches, awarded the DSO (Distinguished Service Order) and returned to Cambridge in 1918, where he was made dean of King’s. Scarred by war, the new dean wanted a special, but straightforward, service for Christmas – something that would make sense to those who, like him, were trying to come to terms with their experiences. So, he adapted Edward White Benson’s Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, simplifying it, and held the service in the chapel on Christmas Eve 1918. It has taken place every year since and the essential structure of the service, always opening with ‘Once in Royal David’s City’, has been the same since 1919 – though the carols that punctuate the readings change. These days, the opening verse of ‘Once in Royal David’s City’ is a solo performed by a young boy chorister. Several lads train together for it and the chosen soloist is only told just before the performance, to help prevent an attack of nerves.

Eric Milner-White’s new service quickly gained popularity in the Cambridge area. Then, in 1928, the BBC broadcast it over the radio. It has been transmitted worldwide since 1938, including during the Second World War, when it inspired prisoners of war to attempt their own services; beacons of light in the darkness that surrounded them. The BBC wartime broadcasts could also be heard in enemy and occupied countries, by anyone able to listen. Since 1963, a shorter service, ‘Carols from King’s’, has been televised. Carols from King’s is recorded earlier in December by BBC TV and shown on the evening of Christmas Eve, with the Nine Lessons going out live on radio at 3pm, UK time. Attendance at Carols from King’s is by invitation only, but there are limited spaces to attend Nine Lessons and Carols at King’s for those who are prepared to queue from the early hours of Christmas Eve morning. Some people go every year; there is no charge, but you could easily be disappointed. Visit King’s College website for details of how to attend.
So, that’s it; a tale of kings (and king’s) and carols. Before you leave, have a listen to King’s College Choir performing O Holy Night…
And here’s Once in Royal David’s City…
You can also take a virtual tour of King’s College Chapel via the King’s College website.

Interesting. I never knew that is where the Once in Royal young boy or older boy wearing very tight undies tradition came from. We did that at our high school. On the last school day before Christmas we would all traipse down from school to a big church in Croydon – it was quite a walk and I’m sure some managed to escape along the way. I don’t know if we did the Festival of the Nine Lessons but it would always start with a Once in Royal.
If those poor boys have been singing for 500 years I think its about time they were given a rest. I mean they must be a little hoarse by now.
This reminds me of the someone that gets burgled every 30 minutes and is getting fed up with it. I’m pretty sure I followed the Nine Lessons through school ad beyond, without knowing that’s what it was.
I am sorry now that never visitedand explored Cambridge, but you can’t do everything.
I have visited Kings a few times and first because I always listen to The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols live, even here in Wisconsin. It’s a tradition in our family. Minnesota Public Radio carries it at 9 AM, which is 3 PM in Cambridge. We were also once at Kings College Chapel for the Maundy Thursday service and the stripping of the altar and Eucharist, a very moving experience for me, eleven years ago now! Good grief. Thanks for the beautiful photos and info on Kings. I was just poking around your blog today. xo
Hi Mike – brilliant … I’ve just been to a talk about the War of the Roses – before and after … i.e. lots of history – so I’ll be back to re-read this along with a copy of the talk we listened to. It’s great being able to piece together bits of history – and to learn more of a time I’m not that knowledgeable about.
I didn’t realise Eton scholars only went to Kings for those first few centuries … and you’ve made me want to visit Cambridge – a town I know little about … better do something about it now I’m back in bonny England.
Happy New Year and Cheers to you for another excellent post – Hilary
A great post Mike. Fine photos. I see what you mean by saying that the ‘Carols from Kings’ recordings on TV do not do justice to the magnificence of this place. I’ve been 3 times to Cambridge but sadly I missed seeing Kings.
Just come acoss your blog today, really enjoy reading more about UK now that I have left for a while. Also good to see you have the red phone booth on your blog as well, it so iconic and representative of UK.
Merry Christmas Mike! Look forward to reading more of your posts next year.
Lovely reminder of Christmas and my visit to Cambridge.
Happy Christmas to you and your family 🙂
I love Christmas carols, I have many on my laptop and listen to them every day in the week leading up to Christmas. It would be difficult to choose a favourite but Oh Holy Night would be close to the top of the list. I didn’t get back to Cambridge to visit Kings college, must try harder to do so next year, your photos are beautiful. Merry Christmas to you Mike, and Mrs ABAB.
You’ve outdone yourself with this post, Mike!
Christmas blessings to you!
All of this- the chapel, the history, and the music- is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.
I say “Wow” too. what a fabulous place! Merry Christmas!
It’s all extremely spectacular – so much history there.
Thanks, I have never been to Cambridge, but I do love to watch the carols, an antidote to all the commercial glitter.
Thanks for another interesting and informative article with wonderful photographs and music. Do have a great time with friends and family over the coming days and keep up the good work in 2019.
It wouldn’t be Christmas without the carols from King’s.
I always turn on the radio for this…even though here it will at 9.00 in the morning. Thank you for such an informative post.
Congratulations on putting the classic Christmas record into context
Putting this one on my bucket list! Beautiful place. Lovely photos.
You remind me that I haven’t paid a visit to the Chapel lately. I’ve never queued up for tickets to the carol service, though I have been to the regular evensong which is free for anyone to attend most days during term time. I’ve also been there when the mighty organ has suddenly and unexpectedly burst into life which is quite an experience.
Very interesting. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
This is a wonderful article. I have been to Cambridge and seen the College but was not able to go inside.
Cambridge is quite an interesting place to visit and feel the history there!
I have heard of Kings college but really knew none of this but found it interesting
The choir, oak screen, stained glass windows, fan vaulting, dark furniture and smaller chapels are still utterly sublime. Does that mean the medieval building was never damaged by war and revolution? Or that it was damaged but was repaired later?
Oh, I’m definitely planning to listen to the program(me) 😉 on Monday morning! I have the day off, so I can listen while I’m cooking or whatever.
This was so interesting, the part about Eton especially. Originally for poor boys! How time changes everything.
To call it a chapel isn’t sufficient to describe it. It is magnificent!
I have sung in King’s College, very briefly, as a young choirboy. Well, I say “sung” but my chief contribution to the quality of the music was always to mime rather than sing… it is an incredible place with staggering accoustics.
It wasn’t just there where I was required to maintain angelic silence but everywhere, Ely Cathedral, local church services and especially weddings. I was expert at lip-sych before it became popular with the … um … the pop singer types! 😉
Thank you for writing about this wonderful event. I look forward to it every year. I listen on the radio, but nonetheless I can see it all.
The Kings College tradition is one I’ve always liked.
And I’ve posted the link to Facebook. Thank you and Happy Christmas.
I listen to it on the radio. It’s not quite the start of Christmas, but it’s really Christmas when the soloist starts singing ‘Once in Royal David’s City’.