Happy Christmas, 2024

Last updated on December 23rd, 2024 at 09:00 am

I have been contemplating Christmas; it must be the time of year.  I normally look forward to the season, finding some joy and hope in it.  Consequently, there are several festive-themed articles on A Bit About Britain and, because they are what I like to refer to as ‘evergreen content’, people look at them every year.  Naturally, I was considering how to add to the oeuvre in 2024.  But everything seems different at the moment.  It is probably my mood.  Maybe I am different – of course I am; maybe the world is – of course it is.  The only constant is change.

Christmas at Sizergh Castle in Cumbria
Christmas at Sizergh Castle, Cumbria

A-Z of Christmas

Santa Claus, Father Christmas

Peace, goodwill and gentleness seem to be disappearing like water from a leaking ocean. So, I thought I would sprinkle links to selected Christmas posts past, in between a few current personal thoughts. Hopefully, dipping into Christmas posts past helps spread a smile of joy. Just click/tap on the images. We start with an A-Z of Christmas. From Advent onward, here is all you ever wanted to know about Christmas customs in Britain and where they came from.  Warning – includes sprouts.

The international scene is thoroughly depressing.  There have been few just wars in history – the Second World War was possibly the only one, although the wisdom of hindsight tells us it could have been avoided.  There are parallels with the unnecessary fighting in Ukraine, albeit there is a danger of Russian President Putin being rewarded by being allowed to retain the territory he has stolen.  Bizarrely, he cries foul and threatens escalation when Ukraine attacks his country in self-defence.  Bullies are like that – but letting him win would be a green light to insecure dictators everywhere.  Democratic friends have done just enough to keep Ukraine fighting (so far) and now everyone awaits the arrival of a worryingly unpredictable and parochial POTUS.  How has the world not progressed beyond thousands of lives being subject to the whims of a tiny number of powerful, egotistical, men?

A Christmas Carol

Read the background to A Christmas Carol, published by Charles Dickens in 1843.  A ghost story that is almost as well-known as the Nativity, it is a tale of redemption and so much more that cheers me up every year! Click/tap the image.

Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens

Speaking of which, how has the tragedy in the Middle East been allowed to continue so long?  Part of the answer lies in the continuation of arms supply to both sides.  To some extent, it has been a proxy war.  I fail to see how it is possible for anyone to take sides in the context of the sickening horror that Hamas unleashed against Israel in 2023, the launching of rockets from Hezbollah in Lebanon and the excessive Israeli response that has slaughtered so many thousands, mostly innocent Palestinian civilians.  There is no moral righteousness in this madness.  Syria, where there has been so much misery and destruction in recent years, perhaps holds some hope for the future and could be a game-changer.  Let us pray the vacuum left by the removal of Bashar al Assad is not filled by something equally odious.

Christmas Crackers

Christmas cracker, traditions, Britain

Christmas crackers are part of a traditional British Christmas. But, what is the real history of Christmas crackers? Would YOU like to pull a cracker? Click/tap the image.

Hovering on the fringes are pariah states such as Iran and North Korea.  Presumably, their leaders seek advantage from escalating chaos – though it is hard to see how this benefits their people.  Perhaps their regimes are more vulnerable than they appear.  China, with more than half a nostalgic eye on Taiwan, must be looking at how things play out in Ukraine – though I suspect Xi Jinping does not want war.  It is incomprehensible that unprovoked state sponsored violence is not universally condemned, but that is not how politics works and it does not take a great knowledge of history to see armed camps potentially shuffling into position once more.  As on previous occasions, it is by no means certain who will get into bed with whom.  When the chips are down, will Hungary and Slovakia hold the NATO line, for example?  2025 will see the 80th anniversary of the end of World War Two – the most violent and destructive event in mankind’s history, to date.  There have been scores of wars since then, but we are perhaps closer to a general war now than we have been at any time since 1945.  Get building your Anderson shelter.

The Christmas Truce of 1914

What is the truth about the legendary Christmas Truce of 1914, when the guns fell silent on the Western Front and German and British troops allegedly had a game of football? Click/tap the image.

Christmas Truce, Ploegsteert, 1914

Then again, perhaps in 2025, citizens the world over will unanimously say to those in authority, “Stop!  We have no hatred for these people you say are our enemies.  They do not threaten us in any way.  We do not want to send our children to die because of your ideological hang-up, or insecurity complex.  We just want to get on with our lives in peace and, actually, it’s your job to help us do that.”  Is it really too much, in the 21st century, to expect independent states to exist in peace?  For people to have their own state in the first place?  For everyone to enjoy freedom of thought, belief and expression, within an overarching legal framework based on reason and safety for all?  For governments to prioritise their fundamental sacred duty to look after their citizens and keep them safe and secure?  Wouldn’t that be nice?

Christmas cards

The first Christmas card, devised by Sir Henry Cole, drawn by John Horsley

I wasn’t going to send Christmas cards this year, but relented at the last minute.  They will all be late!  Click /tap the image for a few thoughts on the custom and origins of Christmas cards.  The card market is huge!

Britain enjoys wonderful freedoms, but we should not delude ourselves that it is a beacon of justice, tolerance and moderation.  There is unreasoned criminal violence, some of it against children, increasing widespread use of foul language, written and spoken, instances of mob rule.  When did it become acceptable to ‘hate’ someone because you disagree with their views, their politics, their faith, their origins?  Had we not left that kind of mindless nonsense behind?  Blaming ‘social media’ is all very well; but the hate and prejudice is voiced by humans, some ludicrously believing themselves to be virtuous.

Carols from Kings

King’s College Cambridge was founded by one king, finished by three others and its 500-year old choir is heard all over the world every Christmas.  What is the story? Click/tap the image.

King's College, Cambridge

It is depressing that crimes and injustices keep emerging that have been perpetuated by individuals or institutions in positions of trust, but which are amplified by being ignored, or even covered up, by those in authority.  The litany of scandals includes the infected blood scandal, the Hillsborough disaster, the Post Office scandal, Windrush, Saville, Grenfell Tower, the police and I don’t know how many warped children’s homes and delinquent politicians and priests.  Also, has anyone else noticed how common it is for the representatives of businesses and public bodies to casually lie and avoid transparency?  Organisations often deny liability for errors to the point of absurdity, perhaps hiding behind a perverted ‘complaints procedure’.  The victims of this behaviour, and the various scandals, are often those least able to defend themselves.  Yet they habitually go uncompensated and the perpetrators remain unpunished.  Nobody’s perfect, least of all me, but it strikes me we all need to speak out more, otherwise nothing will ever change.

Christmas magic

I feel so much better for having had this little end of year rant.  Let us all pray, and work toward, a better world in 2025.  Meanwhile, thank you to anyone that visits ABAB.  Have a wonderful Christmas, a perfect New Year – and enjoy the snow!

Need a bit of Christmas magic? Click/tap the image.

55 thoughts on “Happy Christmas, 2024”

  1. Thank you, Mike. For all of your words. I hope those who need to pause and reflect on their own stance will consider our status as you do. Happity Christmas to you and yours

  2. The world is going to hell in a handcart, but wasn’t it always? I put my faith in events, dear boy, events (©️Harold MacMillan). For example, I didn’t foresee the Berlin Wall coming down when it did, I didn’t foresee apartheid ending when it did, and I didn’t foresee peace coming to Northern Ireland when it did. So maybe I’m kidding myself, but sometimes things can unexpectedly change for the better. In the meantime, Happy Christmas!

  3. So many words. Where to start? One random thought – what do you do when the needles start to fall off your evergreen content? Residing as I do on the non-Blighty side of the big Atlantic Pond, it is hard not to reflect on where we have brought ourselves these days. Every election seems to be more fraught than the previous one but I think it is fair to say that this last one was a humdinger. The world seems divided between people who find certain kinds of behaviour reprehensible and disqualifying let alone a manifest lack of competence and are stunned at those on the other side of the chasm who don’t seem to care. Deflated – would describe the sentiment. Personally I do feel a bit like a used guest airbed, lying on the floor of a living room the morning after. It’s about 11am, the guest(s) had breakfast and already departed and I’m lying on the carpet, all the air’s been let out and I’m waiting to be rolled up and put back in a cupboard.

  4. Very well said, Mike. Everything the rest of us are thinking and worrying about. Happy Christmas, and best wishes for the year ahead.

  5. I watched Santa cross my screen at least ten times before I saw Rudolph’s nose 🙂 It’s the little things that bring most joy these days.

    Have a Merry Christmas.

  6. Love Santa in his sleigh crossing the screen
    2024 has been an emotional and hard one for far too many, I hope everyone has the best Christmas they are able to have and that they feel loved and appreciated at this special time of year

  7. Oh, what a nice post, Mike! You worked hard on this; the snow and Santa with the sleigh – very cheery. There’s much to click on and look into, which I’ll have to do later, with much interest.
    I also love A Christmas Carol, and watch the George C. Scott film version every year – I need to do it soon! I recently read that it’s popular in your country, or at least in Shropshire, where is was filmed? (if I’m right about that) And there was vandalism on Scrooge’s headstone – a real one they made for the movie and left there in a local cemetery – and the townsfolk are wanting to have it restored. Very nice!
    You are right: the world is different, and it will never be the same again. But you made a big effort to be cheery. God bless, and a Happy Christmas to you!

  8. Thank you for this marvellous post Mike, and for all your wonderful posts throughout the year. There is so much obscene injustice and inequality in the world that seems to go completely unpunished and unsorted. May I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year.

  9. Well, Santa and his reindeer coursing across the screen really cheered me up!
    Apart from that, all I can say is that I am more glad than I can say that I left Europe for Costa Rica! It’s not a paradise, but I have less chance of being blown to buggery thanks to nuclear willy waving by the military industrial complex.
    I look t the U.K. and don’t recognise the country any more…where is decency, a sense of obligation, solidarity?
    I recognise France though…..still the same mess of corruption and double dealing with the poorest bearing the burden.

  10. I agree with every word you said. I had a little smile, albeit a grim one, when Putin said that Israel should give back to Syria the land they had taken!
    And why can’t social media simply take down comments that are hateful and violent? I had one comment refused on one platform. They said it was in violation of their rules. I looked at their rules, and could see nothing that it violated. The comments had nothing hateful, violent, or anything like that. A perfectly reasonable comment.
    So they can do it.

    1. But the Ukrainian govt were persecuting the Russian speaking regions for years, Russia kept warning it would not tolerate it, treaties were agreed to stop the persecution (Minsk agreements) but the Ukrainian didn’t comply and actually admitted it was just to buy time to train their army (Merkel said it too). Russia finally acts and naive people believe their media saying it’s Russia building an empire.
      Wake up and smell the bs.

    2. Amazon wouldn’t let me leave a comment because I called the delivery driver a wally (or similar) for leaving a package outside in the rain instead of a) ringing the bell or b) leaving it with a neighbour. There is no justice!

  11. Oh Mike, you say the words I’ve been feeling, could have written but not so eloquently. Yes, my downer spirit this Christmas is connected to several things but a huge one is the world situation and that of my country, the U.S., with the great uncertainty and yes, I believe horror, that has come from our recent election. Our country isn’t alone in that, with others having votes of no confidence for their presidents or prime ministers, yet it’s what I feel the most. The wars don’t stop, whether they are in battle or in words.

    That said, I look at the tree lights, listen to the music and realize that among the hubbub (which I wrote humbug first. Freudian slip maybe?) there is a quiet beauty and joy, spending whatever time we have left in this world with the people we love, grasping at that tiny bit of peace on earth that perhaps we can call ours. Whether it’s a quiet moment with family or a rip-roaring joyful time with friends, grab onto it. We all know that things can change in a heartbeat, so we must snatch it to our hearts with enthusiasm and joy while we can.

    All good wishes for a joyful and peaceful and happy Christmas to you and Mrs. B. And a jolly new year, too.

  12. You’re right about all the obscenities going on in the world. Bullies everywhere and the incoming POTUS is already threatening us and referring to us as the “51st state” while pretending to pass it off as a joke. With that guy, things in the world are about to get a whole lot more difficult. Nevertheless, I’m still hopeful that we can get him under control like we did last time. Ugh. Season’s Greetings and all the best to you for the New Year.

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