If you haven’t visited A Bit About Britain before, here are a few pointers, to help you find your way around.
Places to visit in Britain
If you’re looking for places to visit, click on the Places to Visit heading from the main menu. This will take you to A Bit About Britain’s listings – a growing directory of attractions and places of interest. The entries are in alphabetical order, but you can search by region (eg ‘London’), type of attraction (‘castle’, ‘museum’ etc), county, post code – and so on. Or simply click on attraction types and have a browse.
Being listed on A Bit About Britain does not imply any recommendation. Each listing provides the most basic details about an attraction – what it is, where it is , briefly why it might be of interest and in most cases where you can find out more.
- If a place or attraction has been featured on A Bit About Britain, a link will take you to the article. A place has to have been personally visited by the author to appear in an article on A Bit About Britain.
- If there is an appropriate website providing more information about the place or attraction, a link to that site will be shown. Normally, this will be the website of the managing body – eg English Heritage – where you can find the very latest information on opening times, visitor facilities – and so on. As some attractions have limited opening times, it is essential to check these sites before making a special trip.
There are thousands of interesting and beautiful places to visit in Britain. A Bit About Britain lists a relatively small number of them so far, but more places are added most weeks.
Featured articles on places to visit and events
For idle browsing, go to the Blog for the most recent features. Click on the suggestions, categories, or tag cloud to see more articles. Or go to Regions and Nations on the main menu to browse articles about places in particular parts of Britain.
Remember, only places that have been personally visited by the author can be featured on A Bit About Britain.
Britain’s History
A Bit About Britain includes a complete set of timelines from early British history to the 20th century, plus a series of articles giving you a summarised version of British history. A good place to start is Periods in history – but go to the main menu and browse at will.  You’ll also find lists of  Britain’s Kings and Queens. A Bit About Britain’s History, the book, is available as a paperback or e-book from different Amazon websites all over the world; simply type the title into the search bar, or click HERE to buy from Amazon UK or HERE from Amazon.com
Photographs on A Bit About Britain
If you hover your cursor over a photograph on A Bit About Britain, or click/tap, a caption will appear, which often provides more information. Unfortunately, this does not work with some browsers and mobile devices.
Mostly, if you click a photo on A Bit About Britain it will open in a new window. You simply need to close that window to get back to the site. This is not the case with every photo, including photos in the listings. In that case, simply click the ‘back’ arrow on your browser to take you back to the site.
Most of the photographs on A Bit About Britain are original and others have been used with permission. Do not use any photograph from A Bit About Britain without obtaining permission first.
Want to know more?
For more information about A Bit About Britain – go to ‘About’.