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Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge

Sidney Sussex College was founded on St. Valentine's Day in 1596 by legacy of Lady Frances Sidney, Countess of Sussex.  It is built on the site of a Franciscan friary and has a reputation as a Protestant college; arguably, it’s most famous old boy is Oliver Cromwell, whose skull is buried in the college ante-chapel – where his ghost is said to hang around. The main buildings of the College were built in the closing years of the 16th century, with additions in the 17th.  The Chapel dates from 1780 and there were considerable changes in the 19th century.  The college has an impressive art collection and a particular reputation for mathematics, history, engineering and law.  Apart from Lord Protector Cromwell, notable alumni include David (Lord) Owen, David Lidington, several Bletchley Park codebreakers, including the historian Asa Briggs, the journalist Andrew Rawnsley and TV personality Carol Vorderman.

Sidney Street
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Central Cambridge attractions and colleges
Primary Management
Educational establisment

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