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The Wellcome Collection is a medical museum that grew out of the Wellcome Trust, a global charity which, amongst other things, is a huge funder of medical research. The Wellcome Trust was established by the will of Henry Wellcome, a US Anglophile who co-founded the pharmaceutical firm Burroughs Wellcome (later absorbed into GSK). Wellcome was also an avid collector - anything from mainstream artwork to the bizarre - many of his items are now in the Science Museum. The Wellcome Collection includes two permanent displays, 'Medicine Man' about Henry Wellcome, and 'Medicine Now'. Its temporary exhibitions include an eclectic mix of art, history and somewhat off-the-wall - all with a medical bent - check its website to see what's on. There is also access to the Wellcome Library, a collection specialising in medicine and its history which includes many rare and unique items.
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