Britain, places to visit, attractions, heritage
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This listings directory of over 950 entries is being phased out.
It now excludes places and things of interest in the North of England, including Yorkshire.
These  are being added to a new feature, coming soon.

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The original castle at Warwick was built of wood in the 11th century, possibly on or near an earlier Saxon fortification. It evolved to become one of England's pre-eminent castles, home to the powerful Earls of Warwick. In 1604, it passed to the Greville family, who occupied it until 1978. Warwick is an exceptionally complete picture-book castle, now run by an entertainments company. In addition to the building's undoubted historic merits, there is something of the theme park about it and all manner of things aimed at children. Attractions include a dungeon experience, a trebuchet, birds of prey, daily activities and extensive gardens/grounds.

Post Code
CV34 4QU
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Stratford on Avon
Primary Management
Merlin Entertainments

If your favourite attraction is not listed yet, and you have a good quality digital photograph of it that you are able to freely send, please get in touch. 

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