
Find places to visit in Britain by name, location, type of attraction, or other keyword. This listings directory of over 950 entries is being phased out, to be replaced with ‘Places’.  You may find what you are looking for there. Tap/Click ‘find listings’ for a detailed search – or just have a browse.  If your […]

Britain, places to visit, attractions, heritage
Find places to visit in Britain by name, location, type of attraction, or other keyword.

This listings directory of over 950 entries is being phased out, to be replaced with ‘Places’.  You may find what you are looking for there.

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St Michael's Mount is an evocative and picturesque island in Mount's Bay, with a small village, a castle and sub-tropical gardens. Access is by boat (of course) or on foot via a causeway at low tide. It is an ancient site, with plenty of legends and a chequered history. Once, it was the priory of the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy. Since c1650, it has been the home of the St Aubin family. The village had a population of 200+ in the 19th century - now it is about 30.

Post Code
TR17 0HS
Main Historic Period
Primary Management
National Trust

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