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St Magnus, the Martyr. London

The church of St Magnus the Martyr (a Viking Jarl born c1075), is a bit of a surprise. It is located on a part of the Thames foreshore reclaimed by the Romans and for 700 years stood at the northern end of London Bridge - so everyone arriving or leaving that way would have passed by its door. It was one of the first casualties of the Great Fire of 1666, was rebuilt by Christopher Wren and suffered again during the Blitz of 1940. The interior is quite high church, almost Roman Catholic, and includes a life-size model of a Viking (intended to represent St Magnus). Among its fascinating treasures is its great clock, dating from 1700, a fascinating model of Old London Bridge and a section of Roman timber.

Lower Thames Street
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
North end of London Bridge, close to Monument
Primary Management
Church authorities

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