Britain, places to visit, attractions, heritage
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It now excludes places and things of interest in the North of England, including Yorkshire.
These  are being added to a new feature, coming soon.

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St Andrews Cathedral

Even in a ruinous state, the remains of what was Scotland's largest cathedral, and home to the shrine of St Andrew, are impressive. It is still an enormous site and is said to have been used for worship since the 8th century. The ruins date from the 12th century and the cathedral was 'cleansed' and abandoned in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. The remains of St Rule's church are still there and it is possible to climb to the top of its tower. There is also an excellent exhibition. The cathedral is now surrounded by a more modern graveyard. Just outside the walls are the remains of St Mary on the Rock, overlooking St Andrews' harbour.

The Pends
St Andrews
Post Code
KY16 9QL
Main Historic Period
St Andrews Castle, Blackfriars Chapel, West Port
Primary Management
Historic Scotland

If your favourite attraction is not listed yet, and you have a good quality digital photograph of it that you are able to freely send, please get in touch. 

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