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Smallhythe Place is known as the 16th century home of actress Ellen Terry (1847-1928), one of the great theatre actresses of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  She lived at Smallhythe for 30 years until her death.  Ellen Terry Her daughter Edy (Edith Craig) turned the house into a museum of her late mother, leaving the bedroom as it had been in Ellen’s life and placing displays in the sitting and dining rooms.  In addition, she converted an adjacent 17th century barn into a small theatre, which is still in use.

The immediate area around Smallhythe Place has a fascinating history.  From the 13th to the 15th centuries, it was a port and thriving shipyard, Small Hythe, on a branch of the River Rother. Both Henry V and Henry VIII are said to have had ships built here, but activities declined as the channel silted up.  The waterway is now no more than a large ditch, though barges still used it in the early 20th century.  Smallhythe Place is said to have been a significant building in its day, possibly the port reeve's house, or perhaps an inn.

Note – the house has limited opening.

Post Code
TN30 7NG
Main Historic Period
Tenderden, Rye, Sissinghurst Castle, Bayham Old Abbey
Primary Management
National Trust

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