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Sackville College

Sackville College is a Jacobean Almshouse founded by Robert Sackville, Earl of Dorset, in 1609.  It is still in use as an Almshouse today, but there is limited opening for visitors.  Visitors can see the common room where residents used to cook meals, the great hall with its minstrels’ gallery and hammer beam roof, the chapel with its carved door and the study. This is where the Victorian hymnologist, the Revd Dr John Mason Neale, Warden 1846-1866, wrote many well-known hymns and carols, including ‘Good King Wenceslas’.  Dr Neale was also one of the leading figures in the Oxford movement, which endeavoured to revitalise high church institutions.

The College is a charitable foundation which operates according to an act of Parliament of 1624 and a Royal Charter of 1631.  The present Patron is the 11th Earl De La Warr.


High Street
East Grinstead
West Sussex
Post Code
RH19 3BX
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Ashdown Forest, Standen House
Primary Management
Private - open to the public

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