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Remembrance Sunday falls annually on the second Sunday of November, closest to 11th, to mark the Armistice, the day the guns fell silent, at 11am on 11th November 1918. The red poppy, which seemed to thrive on the Western Front, has become a symbol - worn by people throughout the UK as a mark of respect. Services take place in towns and villages all over the land, to honour all who have suffered or died in war. The National Service of Remembrance is held at the Cenotaph in Whitehall. In addition to a march past by veterans and troops from each of the armed forces, tributes are paid by the Monarch or a representative, other members of the Royal Family, members of the Government, political and faith leaders, senior representatives of the armed and civilian services and high commissioners of Commonwealth countries.
The National Service is coordinated by a Government Department, but a good starting point for more information is the Royal British Legion.
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