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Picton Castle was built in 1280 and has been owned by the Philipps family since 1491.  It is now run by a charitable trust.  Despite looking like a medieval castle, with towers and gatehouse, in the 18th century it was transformed into a stately home.  The interior includes elegant room with magnificent fireplaces and good artwork, including a controversial ‘Picton Renoir’.

The 40-acre gardens are said to include one of the best plant collections in Wales and feature many rare species, with woodland walks and trails, as well as a walled garden with pond and herb garden.  Other attractions include The Welsh Owl Garden, an adventure playground, the Lumsden Collection of Antique & Vintage Lawnmowers and the Mansion of Mystery Escape Rooms – two unique interactive adventure games for teams of two to six players.

Image credit: Historic Houses

The Rhos
Post Code
SA62 4AS
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Carew Castle, Pembroke Castle, Llawhaden Castle
Primary Management
Independent – Historic Houses member

If your favourite attraction is not listed yet, and you have a good quality digital photograph of it that you are able to freely send, please get in touch. 

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