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The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park covers an area of 240 square miles (621 kilometres) along a 260 mile (418 kilometres) coastline in South-West Wales. It was established in 1952 and the highest point is Foel Cwmcerwyn at 1758 feet (536 metres).
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is unique in that it is predominantly, but not exclusively, coastal.  But, in addition to high rugged cliffs and broad, sandy, beaches, it does include woodland and inland hills. Along the 186 mile (299 kilometres) long Pembrokeshire Coast Path you will spot seals, dolphins and basking sharks, as well as seabirds. There are prehistoric tombs, Iron Age hill forts, numerous castles and Britain’s smallest city, St Davids. The park includes a marine nature reserve, 6 national nature reserves and 75 Sites of Special Scientific Interest.
Principal settlements include St Davids and Tenby.
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