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Britain, places to visit, attractions, heritage
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The New Forest offers chocolate-box scenery - 220 square miles of open heath and woodland where ponies, cattle and pigs roam freely, punctuated by the occasional attractive town and village. It's an ancient royal hunting forest, created in the 11th century by William the Conqueror - his 'Nova Foresta' - at the expense of its inhabitants.  These days, it's a place for walking, cycling, horse riding - or just relaxing.

Hampshire’s New Forest covers an area of 220 square miles (570 square kilometres) and the National Park was established 2005.  The highest point is Telegraph Hill at just under 460 feet (140 metres).

There is nothing harsh about the New Forest; it is, simply, lovely.  Attractive towns, chocolate-box villages and a maritime heritage add to the mix.  The National Motor Museum is at Beaulieu and there’s a particularly lovely garden at Exbury.

The New Forest is adjacent to some of the most populous parts of the south coast of England, such as Southampton and Bournmouth.  Principal settlements within the New Forest are Lyndhurst and Brockenhurst.

New Forest National Park Authority
Lymington Town Hall
Avenue Road
Post Code
SO41 9ZG
Main Historic Period
Link to featured article
Primary Management
National Park

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