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Longleat House was built for Sir John Thynn in the 16th century on the site of a former Augustinian Priory. It is currently the seat of the Marquesses of Bath and still the private residence of the Thynn family. The house is set within 900 acres of Capability Brown landscaped gardens and is widely regarded as one of the best examples of Elizabethan architecture in Britain, as well as one of the most beautiful stately homes open to the public.

Visitors can see the Great Hall, scene of lavish banquets with 35 feet high walls adorned by giant paintings, libraries filled with over 40,000 books, some of them rare, a dining room laid out ready to host the next VIP guests and the 90 feet long Saloon with its exquisite Flemish tapestries. It is also possible to see Lord Bath’s ‘famous & fabulous’ Murals.

In 1966, Longleat Safari Park opened as the first drive-through safari park outside Africa. It is now home to over 500 animals, including giraffes, monkeys, rhino, lions, tigers (no bears?), cheetahs and wolves.

There are different ticket types. Historic House members will need to pay to access the Safari Park and other outdoor attractions.

Image credit: Historic Houses

Post Code
BA12 7NN
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Stonehenge, Bath
Primary Management
Independent – Historic Houses member

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