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Lacock Abbey was established between 1229 and 1232 by Lady Ela, Countess of Salisbury. After the Reformation, it became a family home in the hands of the Sharingtons, followed by the Talbots. The most famous Talbot, William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-77) was an accomplished scientist and inventor of the negative/positive photographic process. Thus, Lacock is often plugged as "the birthplace of photography". There are wonderful gardens and grounds set amongst rolling Wiltshire countryside. The ground floor of the abbey has been well preserved - including the cloisters - and parts have featured in several film and TV productionss, including Harry Potter and Wolf Hall. The first floor is a Gothic Victorian home. Also on site is the Fox Talbot Museum, dedicated to photography.

Nr Chippenham
Post Code
SN15 2LG
Main Historic Period
Link to featured article
Spend some time in Lacock village
Primary Management
National Trust

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