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Kensington Gardens - the Italian Garden

One of the Royal Parks. Kensington Gardens is connected to Hyde Park, which it was once part of – and, frankly, it’s hard to know where they each start and end.  Technically, I believe the border is the bridge, Serpentine Bridge, which divides the Serpentine and Long Water lakes.  Kensingtomn Gardens includes the Peter Pan Statue, Albert Memorial and Serpentine Gallery.  At its western end is Kensington Palace. By the way, strangers to the park may be surprised by the thousands of wild, green, parakeets that flock there; temperate Britain is, of course, well-known for its tropical birds.

Post Code
W2 3XA
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Albert Hall, Science Museum, Kensington Palace
Primary Management
Royal Parks

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