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Dun da Lamh

Dun da Lamh (pronounced ‘doon da larve’) is a prehistoric, believed to be early Pictish, hilltop fort near Laggan in the Highlands.  It sits on Black Craig, 1484 feet above sea level and 600 feet above the land below, overlooking the River Spey to the north.  The fort is approximately 360 feet (110 metres) long by about 98-246 feet (30 and 75 metres) wide.  Inside are shelters, believed to have been constructed by the Home Guard during WW2.

The fort’s sole defence is a stone wall, which has been cleared in places.  It is constructed of fine quality stone slabs resembling bricks totalling an estimated 5000 tons which are not from the local valley. It has been skilfully made.  The fort is so steep on three sides as to be impregnable and is only approachable from the west where the walls are over 20 feet thick.  Dun da Lamh means ‘fort of the two hands’.  The plaque on the site asks was it a frontier fortress of a great Pictish nation guarding the farmlands to the north and east; or was it something else?

Dun da Lamh can only be reached by foot and it is a strenuous walk for which you should dress appropriately and allow a couple of hours each way, depending on conditions and fitness.  There are a variety of starting points, including a way-marked route from Laggan Wolftrax (as per postcode).  Others suggest starting from the car park opposite the Pattack Falls Forestry Commission Car Park off the A86.

Laggan Wolftrax
Post Code
PH20 1BU
Main Historic Period
Nothing but wide open spaces...
Primary Management
Forestry Commission

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