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Cannock Chase German Military Cemetery contains almost 5,000 German and Austrian war dead, 2,143 from the First World War and 2,797 from the Second. They lie in peace in an area of outstanding natural beauty in rural Staffordshire. Some died trying to kill our parents or grandparents from the skies; others were washed ashore from ships; and some were prisoners of war who never made it home; 95 are unbekannte – unknown, or unidentifiable. The burials include crews of four Zeppelin flying ships shot down over Britain, who are all buried together.
Following an agreement between the UK and the Federal Republic of Germany in 1959, the German War Graves Commission (Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgraberfursorge) made arrangements to transfer the graves of German servicemen and civilians who had died in Britain during World Wars 1 and 2 from scattered burial grounds to a new cemetery established at Cannock Chase.
Follow the signs for Cannock Chase War Cemetery signposted from the A34 when travelling from either Cannock or Stafford. The German cemetery is immediately behind the CWGC one.
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