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The Broads in East Anglia, usually known as the Norfolk Broads despite part of the area being in Suffolk, cover an area of 117 square miles (303 sq kilometres).

This is a place to mess about in boats, spot wildlife and is only a couple of hours by train from London.  It is low-lying – the highest point is Strumpshaw Hill in Norfolk at just 125 feet (38 metres).  The ‘broads’ are lakes, formed from flooded medieval peat pits dating back to at least the 12th century.  Now they provide a 125 mile network of navigable waterways and rivers with a back-drop of fens, woodland and picturesque villages.

The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads is an internationally important area of protected wetland and contains more than 25% of Britain’s rarest wildlife.  Birds, like bitterns, grebes, marsh harriers, teals, wigeons and warblers can be spotted.  Clearly, there are plenty of fish and, if you’re lucky, you might see an otter too.  The Broads is also home to hundreds of invertebrates and is the only place where Britain’s largest butterfly, the swallowtail, can be found.

The Broads was established as a national park by Act of Parliament in 1988.

Principal settlements in the Broads include: Stalham, Wroxham, Brundall, Acle, Loddon, Beccles and Oulton Broad.

Broads Authority
Yare House
62-64 Thorpe Road
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Link to featured article
Useful Website Address
Primary Management
National Park

If your favourite attraction is not listed yet, and you have a good quality digital photograph of it that you are able to freely send, please get in touch. 

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