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These  are being added to a new feature, coming soon.

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The Cotswold village of Bibury on the River Coln is lovely, has been around since at least Saxon times and was described by William Morris as “The most beautiful village in England”. It is much-visited by tourists, much photographed and particularly known for a row of cottages called Arlington Row – which has featured in movies.  Arlington Row was built as a wool store by monks in the 14th century and was converted into weavers’ cottages in the 17th century.  One, No 9, is owned by the National Trust and is available for holiday bookings.  An area of marshy water meadow close to Arlington Row was known as ‘Rack Isle’ and was where wool was hung on racks after being washed.  These days, it’s a nature reserve.

Nr Cirencester
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Other Cotswold villages and attractions, including the Cotswold Wildlife Park
Primary Management
Local Authority

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