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Bedd Arthur, Beddarthur, or Arthur’s Grave is one of many sites in Britain associated with the burial of the legendary King Arthur. It is thought to be a small stone circle – actually vaguely elliptical in shape – now comprising 13 upright stones and 2 fallen ones. It is an unimpressive sight unless you are an enthusiast about these things and the stones are not large – about 2 feet (60cms) above ground. They seem to lean inward, leading to speculation that there was once a mound, or burial chamber, inside. It is a dramatic location, alongside an ancient trackway and overlooking the Carn Menyn outcrops, thought by some to be the main source of the Stonehenge bluestones. Some have even suggested that Bedd Arthur is a prototype Stonehenge.
Post code is nearby. Access by foot only, wearing suitable clothing.
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