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Begun in the early 18th century as the seat of the Worsley family, Appuldurcombe was once the grandest house on the Isle of Wight. Sir Richard Worsley, the 7th baronet, gained notoriety for a 1782 court case in which his wife, Seymour, admitted to having had 27 lovers.  Appuldurcombe was a masterpiece of English Baroque architecture. Following war damage, it is now a graceful shell, but still retains some of its former dignity and many fine architectural details. The celebrated landscape designer 'Capability' Brown enhanced the rolling grounds in the 1780s. Now, they're a great place for a picnic.

Photo via Pixabay

Appuldurcombe Road
Isle of Wight
Post Code
PE38 3EW
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Godshill, Ventnor Botanic Gardens
Primary Management
English Heritage

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