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Britain, places to visit, attractions, heritage
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Alloway Auld Kirk

Alloway Auld Kirk, the ruined old church at Alloway dates from the 16th century, though the site could be much older. It is most famous now due to it being featured in Robert Burns' poem 'Tam o' Shanter' (1791), as the place where witches and warlocks gather. The churchyard is fascinating and includes the graves of Burns' father, William Burnes, and sister, Isabella Burns Begg. Combine with a visit to the Robert Burns' Museum, his birthplace, Burns Monument and Brig o' Doon.

40 Alloway
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
The Robert Burns' Museum, the cottage where he was born, the Burns Monument and Brig o' Doon are all within walking distance.
Primary Management
National Trust for Scotland

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