Last updated on March 28th, 2024 at 06:41 pm

The bleak ruins of medieval Brough Castle perch on the western edge of Church Brough, a peaceful collection of attractive, solid, old dwellings huddled round a small square with St Michael’s church in the background. The village of Brough is divided by the busy A66. The larger portion, Market Brough to the north of the road, dates from the 12th century, but Church Brough is older, lying on the main Roman highway that linked the fortresses at York (Eboracum) and Carlisle (Luguvalium) across the desolate Pennines. And here the Romans built a fort, Verteris, which along with nearby Brougham (Brocavum) and the cavalry camp at Kirby Thore (Bravoniacum) protected this remote corner of their vast Empire, the western end of the Stainmore Pass, from unruly local natives, the Brigantes. The medieval castle was built on part of the site of that fort almost 700 years after the last Roman left. What happened in the area during those intervening centuries, when shadowy warlords and kingdoms came and went, is not always certain; but by the early 10th century the land had come under the control of the King of the Scots. In 1092, the Norman King of England, William II (Rufus), forcibly shifted the border northward to Carlisle. The fortress that was constructed at Brough at around that time to help defend this new part of his realm went on to have a role in the border wars between England and Scotland. The Scots attacked Brough Castle on at least three occasions, devastating it twice. It was rebuilt, refurbished, and went through periods of neglect and decay before being completely restored by the remarkable Lady Anne Clifford in the 17th century. In the 18th century, parts of the castle were dismantled and the materials re-used or sold. A period of inevitable decline followed, until care of the property passed to the state in 1920. It is currently maintained by English Heritage.

Even now, in the 21st century and with the relatively luxurious temptation of Brough Castle Farm ice cream parlour next door, Brough has the feel of a castle on the frontier. Even the children’s playground looks somewhat temporary. There is nothing remotely beautiful about this abandoned place – except for the subtly different colours in the stonework and its location. The views over lush rolling farmland to the high fells are stunning. The Roman fort was of course a military building and, until Lady Anne’s day, its descendant was primarily functional too.

The fortress the Romans built, in the first century AD, was substantial enough to house a force of some 500 troops and appears to have been in use for the duration, up to the late 4th or early 5th century. Its earthworks are still visible. A civilian settlement grew up outside its walls, the distant ancestor of Church Brough. There was a cemetery. This was a busy place over a considerable period – much busier than it is now – but we know precious little about what happened here. It is possible that soldiers from Thrace, in modern Turkey, were garrisoned inside during the 3rd century, by which time Verteris may have had an administrative function alongside, or instead of, its military one. According to the excellent Roman Britain website, one of the fascinating finds during excavations was a swastika broach – a reminder that this ancient symbol of good had been around for a long time before being kidnapped and corrupted by the Nazis.

The medieval castle would originally have been wood and earth – and portions of the Roman ditches were used in its construction. Stone came later in the early 12th century. It is amusing to think of the mighty Norman invaders, not only building on the backs of the classical giants that went before them, but also building on a much smaller footprint. The present ruins date from pretty much every century since then, up to the 17th. Hard to imagine the noise of battle here, when the Scots attacked; hard to imagine men dying hereabouts – as they probably did. One of the castle’s owners, Robert de Vieuxpont, was a favourite of nasty King John. Another, Robert Clifford, 1st Baron Clifford, was killed at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314; his castle at Brough was devastated by a Scottish raid that same year.

Hard to imagine, too, the great feast that was held at the castle to celebrate Christmas in 1521. Hard to imagine the devastating fire that broke out shortly afterwards, which left nothing standing but the bare walls.

Lady Anne Clifford set about repairing her Castle of Brough in 1659. The work included stables, kitchen facilities and an adjoining bakehouse and brewery, as well as improvements to accommodation. For some four years, the castle and its surroundings resonated with the sounds of saws, chisels and hammers as the builders did their stuff – presumably in much the same manner as they do today, though without the help of power tools. Lady Anne paid several extended visits thereafter, always occupying a chamber at the top of the round tower, known as Clifford’s Tower.

Brough is intriguing, but I wanted it to tell me more. Great chunks of masonry lie where they have fallen on the hillside. There are no roofs, no sign of the people who lived and worked here, though the outlines of their buildings are clear enough. Yet cold walls stare blankly and it is hard to sense, let alone hear, any ghosts. If they speak at all, it is only to the sheep.

This is a lovely off the beaten track place to visit. We often take advantage of the facilities in the tearoom 🙂
I haven’t tried that yet; I think it was closed when we visited last.
Great pictures good information Thank you
Thank YOU!
Even though the children’s play area seems to be made of natural materials, it still looks odd to me, near such an old building. I’m so glad all these places, even though ruins, are left to be seen.
Yes – I know what you mean; it did to me too.
I am glad that during it’s long life the castle was truly loved and cared for by Anne Clifford. I love the photos, especially the ones looking out over the landscape framed by the castle walls.
Thanks, Clare. Anne Clifford was quite a gal!
awwwwwwwwww the history
It speaks to me. It may be the medication
It speaks to me even without the medication (it’s worse after a beer or two, though). 🙂
Rather prosaic with the picnic tables and swings in the foreground – really hard to picture the 1521 Christmas feast by contrast. So much history, so few remains.
Hi Mike – I’ve got cousins up there and really should visit (sometime!) … and explore a bit more. Sad it’s crumbling even more now … lovely photos though. I’m sure there’s a sub-Saharan lady buried up there … David Olusoga made a programme on six peoples – which included the lady we have near here up on the Downs 200 – 225AD period. Amazing what they can find out now about early burials … eg the Saxon one recently found in Essex … cheers Hilary
All very fascinating, Hilary, I agree. Lots of information on Roman grave markers!
Particularly good pics, especially the framed views
Thanks, Derrick. I was fascinated by the lush views through the empty ruined doorways and windows.
I also love ALL your framed views, Mike – with countryside such as yours, it’s always breathtaking.
You make it sound as though I own the countryside, Lisa … 🙂
Thanks for introducing me to an area I know little about Mike. Your post certainly entices me to find out more. Thank you!
Thanks, Malc. Checkout Anne Clifford’s other castles – some are already featured here on ABAB – eventually, they all will be.
Oh what an awesome post
Like Judy, I would like to know how to pronounce “Brough.”
As in ‘rough’ (ruff), Dorothy…
Lovely post, sad that it is in ruins.
Such a pity Lady Anne’s restoration wasn’t left intact and maintained. Too amazing a building to have gone into decline.
I kind of agree – but it’s also a positive that castles had outlived their purpose 🙂
I think you’ve caught these old ruins in just the right light.
Excellent post. Great pictures and background info. It does look bleak and desolate. Perfect background for a story!
You’re right – time for ‘Amanda’s adventures in a remote castle”!
Wow what a great looking castle – definitely one to go on the list!
So many castles, so little time…
As the second picture loaded I thought “Trial run of new trebuchets!” Oh, just kiddies’ swings…
I like that 🙂
Lovely photos and countryside Mike! Your history and heritage is wonderful. Would love to visit this peaceful place. ❤️
Let me know when and I’ll help with your itinerary..!
Nice work Mike, and beautifully photographed. You have such a different perspective on history, than anything we have over here.
Thanks Rick – works both ways, though, doesn’t it?!
Great photos. Does Brough rhyme with cough, rough, through, bough, or dough? Lady Clifford was one busy gal. I would like to be there on a warm day and see if the sheep might tell me something. Glad English Heritage has it . I always enjoy your posts, Mike.
Brough as in ‘rough’, Judy. We do this on purpose, you know… 🙂
What a great language. 🙂
Fantastic post, Mike, and superbly written. I want to know more too. It’s definitely a place to go on the list. Shame you couldn’t hear the ghosts, but still, this is one for my list, and I’ll have a good go! 🙂
That does look a bleak spot!
Gosh! It’s a long time since I was here. Nice set of photos.