The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the leader of the Government, but not the head of state – that is the monarch. Prime Ministers are not directly elected in the UK, but are generally leaders of whichever political party has the most seats in the House of Commons. After a general election, the monarch will call upon the leader of the largest party to form the Government, but the holder of the office of prime minister can change mid-term if the political party chooses a new leader for any reason. The Prime Minister chooses the other members of the Government- eg Foreign Secretary etc. The PM has had a London residence and offices close to Parliament at 10 Downing Street since 1735. S/he also has an official country residence, Chequers, in Buckinghamshire. This is a 16th century mansion and estate gifted to the nation in 1917 for the use of the Prime Minister.

The full title for the Prime Minister is First Lord of the Treasury, Minister for the Civil Service and Prime Minister. The office of Prime Minister is relatively recent. It mostly became entrenched during the 20th century, but is generally traced back to the 18th, when the monarch needed someone to represent royal interests in the increasingly dominant House of Commons. So the term ‘prime minister’ was originally somewhat abusive, with implications of corruption attached to it. The office as we know it was more or less in place by the mid-19th century. ‘Questions to the Prime Minister’, forerunner of today’s ‘Prime Minister’s Questions’, began in 1881. It is generally accepted that the first ‘Prime Minister’ was Robert Walpole.
Political parties began as informal factions which represented particular interests. The predecessors of two of our modern political parties, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, were (respectively) the ‘Tory’ or ‘Whig’ groupings of the 17th/18th centuries, which were extensions of lines drawn during the Civil War of the 1640s. The Tories were broadly royalist and Whigs generally protestant or anti-Catholic parliamentarians. Both names were originally abusive terms. ‘Tory’ is said to derive from an Irish term for a bunch of Catholic outlaws, toruigh; ‘Whig’ possibly comes from a Scottish term, whiggam-more, meaning ‘pack-saddle thieves’. The Labour Party grew out of the trade union and socialist movements of the 19th century and was founded in 1900.
The last Liberal Party Prime Minister was David Lloyd George (1863-1945), who left office in October 1922. There has not been a Liberal government since. However, a brief ‘Lib-Lab Pact’ was formed in 1977-78 during the minority Labour government of Jim Callaghan. Also, under the leadership of Nick Clegg (b 1967), the by then renamed Liberal Democrats formed a coalition government with the Conservatives from 2010-15. Liberal politicians also supported national and wartime coalitions from 1937-45. Since 1922, there have been fifteen Conservative Prime Ministers and seven Labour (including Kier Starmer). Several prime ministers have served more than one term. Currently, the maximum term of a government – and therefore in theory a prime minister – is five years.
Click or tap here for a full list of Prime Ministers of Britain, from Robert Walpole onward.
Below is a bit about Britain’s more recent Prime Ministers, in reverse chronological order. Click or tap on a name for more information.
Keir Starmer Labour 2024 – date
Born: 2 September 1962 in Southwark, London.
Background: Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was allegedly named after Keir Hardie (1856-1915), the first leader of the parliamentary Labour Party. Proud of his roots, he is fond of saying his father was a toolmaker and his mother a nurse. He grew up in Oxted, Surrey and attended a local grammar school, where he enjoyed music and football. He went on to study law at the University of Leeds, then St Edmund Hall, Oxford, and became a barrister, specialising in human rights. He was Director of Public Prosecutions from 2008-13 and was knighted for services to law and criminal justice in 2014.

Keir Starmer was elected as Member of Parliament for Holborn and St Pancras in 2015 and as leader of the Labour Party in 2020, succeeding the left wing Jeremy Corbyn. As leader of the Labour Party, he worked hard to position his party toward the political centre and achieve credibility with the electorate. In the General Election on 4 July 2024, Labour won a landslide number of seats – 412 to the Conservative’s 121 – on a platform of ‘Change’ and (refreshingly) public service. However, turnout at the election was just 60% and Labour’s overall share of the vote was only 34%, which was 1.4% higher than its worst ever defeat in 2019.
Famous for: Wait and see.
Rishi Sunak Conservative 2022-2024
Born: 12 May 1980 in Southampton.

Background: Rishi Sunak is the UK’s first Prime Minister of Asian origin, and Hindu, born to parents of Indian descent who migrated to Britain from East Africa in the 1960s. He is also the youngest Prime Minister to take office since the Earl of Liverpool, Robert Jenkinson, in 1812. Sunak’s father was a GP and his mother ran her own pharmacy business. He was educated at Winchester College, Lincoln College, Oxford (where he read philosophy, politics and economics) and Stanford, California, where he met his wife, daughter of an Indian billionaire. He had a career in investment banking and hedge fund management before becoming MP for Richmond, Yorkshire, in 2015. The Sunaks are thought to be one of the wealthiest couples in the UK.
Rishi Sunak served as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government from 9 January 2018 to 24 July 2019, Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 24 July 2019 to 13 February 2020, and Chancellor of the Exchequer from 13 February 2020 to 5 July 2022. Sunak’s period as Chancellor coincided with the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, during which he introduced considerable support, including the employee furlough scheme, to help individuals and businesses through the crisis. His resignation as Chancellor, following that of then Health Secretary Sajid Javid, was the second of more than 50 resignations that triggered the departure of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Sunak secured the support of the majority of Conservative MPs in the subsequent competition to select a new leader of his party, losing to Liz Truss in the vote of the whole membership in September 2022. Following Liz Truss’ resignation, Sunak became leader of the Conservatives on 24 October 2022 having secured the required support of more than 100 MPs. The only other declared candidate, Penny Mordaunt, withdrew at the very last minute.
Famous for: Rishi Sunak took office on 25 October 2022 with an even larger set of issues to resolve than those that faced his predecessor, Liz Truss. He committed to unify his party, the nation – and to restore trust.
Rishi Sunak took office on 25 October 2022 with an even larger set of issues than those that faced his predecessor, Liz Truss. He committed to unify his party, the nation – and to restore much eroded trust in government and, specifically, the Conservatives. In January 2023, he made five Pledges: Halve inflation (at 10+% at the time); Grow the economy; Reduce debt; Cut NHS waiting lists in England (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland manage their own health systems); Stop the boats. He only achieved one of those – halving inflation. Perhaps Mr Sunak will best be remembered for being a decent man presiding over a deeply unpopular and flawed party. Rishi Sunak will also be remembered for calling a snap election on 22 May to take place on 4 July, just 6 weeks later. The result was a disaster for the Conservatives, who won just 121 seats in Parliament, a loss of 251. Labour won the election with 412 seats, a gain of 211. It was the Conservative’s worst parliamentary defeat since 1832.
Liz Truss Conservative 2022
Born: 26 July 1975 in Oxford.

Background: Mary Elizabeth Truss was educated at Roundhay Scholl, Leeds, then Merton College, Oxford, where she read philosophy, politics and economics. Her parents have been described as ‘left wing’. Whilst at university, Liz Truss was President of the Oxford University Liberal Democrats and supported the legalisation of cannabis and the abolition of the monarchy. She worked as a management accountant before becoming Conservative MP for South West Norfolk in 2010 and is married with two children.
Liz Truss served as Under Secretary of State for Education and Childcare, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Minister for Women and Equalities and Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs. She beat ex-Chancellor Rishi Sunak to win the Conservative leadership contest on 5 September 2022. Truss was appointed Prime Minister by Queen Elizabeth at Balmoral on 6 September, Her Majesty’s final engagement before her death on 8 September. The new PM took office with a raft of issues to resolve, not least spiralling energy costs and general inflation. She announced an energy support package on 8 September and, on 23 September, her Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng launched a euphemistically termed ‘fiscal event’, which included the biggest tax cuts for 50 years, worth £45bn. This drew widespread criticism that the cuts were unfunded, would benefit the wealthy, and sparked panic in the financial markets. The pound fell dramatically and the cost of mortgages increased almost overnight. Hunt, considered a safe pair of hands who might steady the market, promptly reversed most of the Truss/Kwartang tax proposals. There was speculation about how long Prime Minister Truss could last in her position. On 19 October, Home Secretary Suella Braverman resigned. On 20 October, after just 45 days in office, Liz Truss resigned too.Truss formerly tendered her resignation to King Charles III on 25 October 2022, following the selection of Rishi Sunak as the new Leader of the Conservative Party.
Famous for: Crashing the British economy and being the shortest serving Prime Minister in British history. Liz Truss lost her South West Norfolk constituency seat to Labour by 630 votes in the General Election of 4 July 2024.
Boris Johnson Conservative 2019-2022
Born: 19 June 1964 in New York, USA.

Background: Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford, where he read Classics. He is an ex-journalist, served as Mayor of London from 2008 to 2016, was Member of Parliament for Henley from 2001 to 2008 and has been Member of Parliament for Uxbridge and South Ruislip since 2015. He was appointed Foreign Secretary by Theresa May, but resigned following differences over the UK’s departure from the European Union. Johnson became Prime Minister on 24 July 2019, having won the election to become leader of the Conservative Party following Theresa May’s resignation in 2019, winning a significant majority over main rival Jeremy Hunt. He renegotiated the UK’s departure from the EU, which had been re-set to 31 October, but lost the support of the Northern Irish Democratic Unionists and was forced to call for a general election, which was eventually approved by Parliament on 29 October. At the general election on 12 December, the Conservatives won a landslide overall majority of 80 seats in Parliament, promising to ‘level-up’ (make the country more equal) and winning many traditional Labour seats.
Johnson’s tenure in No 10 was dominated by the Coronavirus pandemic that began in early 2020, the government’s handling of the crisis (which included nationwide lockdowns), the fast development and rolling out of vaccines – and, of course, the thousands of deaths (205,000 people in the UK by the time Johnson left office). He will also be remembered for his unhesitating backing of Ukraine following the Russian invasion in February 2022 and for the economic crisis that was made worse by escalating energy costs caused by the war in Ukraine. However, a succession of scandals had begun to mire Johnson’s premiership, made worse by obfuscation and dishonesty. Eventually, a series of ministerial resignations (57 in total) led to his resignation as Leader of the Conservative Party on 7 July 2022. He continued in office until a successor, Liz Truss, had been chosen, tendering his resignation as Prime Minister to the Queen on 6 September 2022.
Famous for: Highly intelligent, charismatic, bad hair, gaffe-prone, uncertain relationship with the truth and championing the cause of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union – ‘BREXIT’. A ‘Marmite politician’ – one who is widely adored or derided. His parting words at his final Prime Minister’s Questions on 20 July 2022 were clearly intended to be prophetic – “Hasta la vista – baby!.”
Theresa May Conservative 2016-2019
Born: 1 October 1956 in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

Background: Theresa Mary May (née Brasier) grew up in Oxfordshire and read geography at St Hugh’s College, Oxford. She worked in the financial sector before becoming Member of Parliament for Maidenhead in 1997 and was Home Secretary under David Cameron. She became Prime Minister following David Cameron’s resignation in 2016 and called an election in 2017. Unfortunately, the electorate did not entirely buy her ‘strong and stable’ tagline and she was returned with a significantly reduced majority, forcing a reliance on a minority party, the Democratic Unionists of Northern Ireland. This, together with deep divisions of opinion in the Conservative Party, greatly hampered her ability to achieve much. Parliament repeatedly defeated the departure deal she had negotiated with the EU and in 2019 she announced her decision to resign as Prime Minister, stepping down on 7 June.
Famous for: Theresa May’s tenure as Prime Minister was dominated by the issue of ‘BREXIT’ – the UK’s departure from the European Union, which she failed to implement.
David Cameron Conservative 2015-2016
Born: 9 October 1966 in Marylebone, London.

Background: David William Donald Cameron attended Eton and read philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) at Brasenose College, Oxford. He worked for the Conservative Party from 1988, was Member of Parliament for Witney from 2001 to 2016 and became leader of the Conservative Party in 2005.
Famous for: Being Prime Minister of a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats, seeking to reduce the deficit in government finances by austerity measures, introducing a referendum on Scottish independence (2014) and then a referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union (EU). When the UK narrowly voted to leave the EU on 23 June 2016, against his recommendation, Cameron resigned as Prime Minister.
David Cameron Conservative-Liberal coalition 2010-2015
See previous entry.
Gordon Brown Labour 2007-2010
Born: 20 February 1951 in Giffnock, Renfrewshire, Scotland.

Background: James Gordon Brown was brought up in Kirkaldy and read history at the University of Edinburgh. Before becoming Member of Parliament for Dunfermline East in 1983, he had been a TV journalist and college lecturer. He was Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1997 until 2007, when he became Prime Minister following Tony Blair’s resignation.
Famous for: Being the longest-serving Chancellor of the Exchequer in modern times, as UK Prime Minister leading Britain through the global economic crisis that struck in 2008, and playing a key role in maintaining the union between England and Scotland during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. When Prime Minister, the Climate Change Act of 2008 set a target for the year 2050 for the reduction of targeted greenhouse gas emissions and the Counter-Terrorism Act in the same year increased government powers to gather and share personal information.
Tony Blair Labour 1997-2007
Born: 6 May 1953 in Edinburgh.

Background: Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was brought up in Adelaide, Australia, and Durham, England. He attended Fettes College in Edinburgh and read law at St John’s College, Oxford. He was a barrister before becoming Member of Parliament for Sedgefield from 1983 to 2007. Blair became leader of the Labour Party after the sudden death of John Smith in 1994.
Famous for: Moving the Labour Party to the political centre-right and leading it to three election victories, in 1997, 2001 and 2005. Introducing the National Minimum Wage, Human Rights and Freedom of Information Acts. Holding referenda in Scotland and Wales over devolved government resulted in establishing a new Scottish Parliament and a National Assembly for Wales. One of Blair’s biggest achievements was being instrumental in the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA, Blair allied with US President Bush to support US-sponsored invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. The latter was controversial. The regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq was unpleasant, but secular and nothing to do with Islamic terrorism. Moreover, the invasion was justified by the mistaken belief that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Nor was there any plan of what to do after the inevitable success of the invasion; thousands died in the subsequent upheaval. Blair’s legacy is often seen as the man who helped cause, and lead the UK into, an unnecessary war.
John Major Conservative 1990-1997
Born: 29 March 1943, St Helier, Carshalton, Surrey.

Background: John Major grew up in Brixton, South East London, and, unlike most recent prime ministers, he left school at 16 and did not attend university. He was active in local south London politics from an early age and became Member of Parliament for Huntingdonshire in 1979. He rose rapidly and, as Prime Minister Thatcher ran out of ministerial options toward the end of her premiership, she appointed Major Foreign Secretary in 1989 and Chancellor of the Exchequer soon afterwards. He became Prime Minister following Margaret Thatcher’s reluctant departure in 1990, winning a General Election in his own right in 1992.
Famous for: Having an affair with fellow Conservative, Edwina Currie. Leading the UK’s participation in the First Gulf War, surviving an IRA mortar attack on Number 10 during a Cabinet meeting and cancelling the Community Charge, the widely unpopular, ‘poll tax’, introduced by his predecessor. Major’s administration was, possibly unfairly, mired with accusations of ‘sleaze’ – poor moral behaviour – and conflict within the Conservative government over Europe. John Major initiated the work that culminated in the Northern Ireland Good Friday Agreement in 1998.
Margaret Thatcher Conservative 1979-1990
Born: 13 October 1925, Grantham, Lincolnshire. Died: 8 April 2013, Ritz Hotel, London. Buried: Royal Hospital, Chelsea, London.

Background: Margaret Hilda Thatcher (née Roberts) had a fairly strict Methodist upbringing in Grantham, hugely influenced by her father. She attended the local grammar school and then read chemistry at Somerville College, Oxford before training as a barrister. She was elected Member of Parliament for Finchley in 1959, was Education Secretary under Ted Heath in 1970 and then, surprising many, successfully stood against him for the party leadership in 1975. In 1979, the Conservatives won the General Election and Thatcher became Britain’s first woman prime minister. She went on to win two more elections, in 1983 and 1987.
Famous for: Being known as the Iron Lady and dividing opinion, even now. Reform of the trades unions. Pursuing a radical monetarist policy and reducing the role of central government, initially resulting in increased unemployment and contributing to inner-city riots. The successful war to re-take the Falkland Islands from Argentina. Deregulation, privatisation and giving local authority tenants the right to buy their homes. A tough approach that, ultimately, improved the economy. Her status as a world leader, friendship with US President Ronald Reagan and contribution to the ending of the Cold War. Almost constantly being at odds with, albeit a supporter of, the European Union.
James Callaghan Labour 1976-1979
Born: 27 March 1912 , Copnor, Portsmouth, Hampshire. Died: 26 March 2005, Ringmer, East Sussex. Buried: Ashes scattered at the base of the Peter Pan statue outside the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London.

Background: Leonard James Callaghan James Callaghan grew up in difficult financial circumstances, largely due to his father’s early death. He attended Portsmouth’s Northern Grammar School, but was unable to afford university and joined the Civil Service, becoming a tax inspector and trade union official. He served in the Royal Navy during World War Two, leaving with the rank of Lieutenant and was elected Member of Parliament for Cardiff South in 1945. Harold Wilson appointed Callaghan Chancellor of the Exchequer, Home Secretary and (in his second administration) Foreign Secretary. He became leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister in 1976, following Harold Wilson’s sudden resignation.
Famous for: Nicknamed ‘Sunny Jim’ in the press, Callaghan was the only 20th century British Prime Minister to have held all 4 major offices of state: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister. Callaghan’s government had no overall majority in the House of Commons and had to rely on the support of, first, the Liberal Party and then the Scottish Nationalists. Britain’s economy was in a dire state in the 1970s, with high inflation (17% in 1976) and appalling industrial relations. The Government was forced to ask the International Monetary Fund for a loan and impose public sector wage restrictions in an effort to bring down inflation. Callaghan will be forever (unfairly) associated with this and the wave of strikes in 1978-79, known as ‘the Winter of Discontent’. The government narrowly lost a motion of no confidence, by one vote, resulting in a general election that was won by the Conservatives.
Here is a full list of Britain’s Prime Ministers:
1721 – 1742 | Sir Robert Walpole | Whig |
1742 – 1743 | Earl of Wilmington | Whig |
1743 – 1754 | Henry Pelham | Whig |
1754 – 1756 | Duke of Newcastle | Whig |
1756 – 1757 | Duke of Devonshire | Whig |
1757 – 1762 | Duke of Newcastle | Whig |
1762 – 1763 | Earl of Bute | Tory |
1763 – 1765 | George Grenville | Whig |
1765 – 1766 | Marquess of Rockingham | Whig |
1766 – 1768 | Earl of Chatham | Whig |
1768 – 1770 | Duke of Grafton | Whig |
1770 – 1782 | Lord North | Tory |
1782 | Marquess of Rockingham | Whig |
1782 – 1783 | Earl of Shelburne | Whig |
1783 | Duke of Portland | Whig |
1783 – 1801 | William Pitt | Tory |
1801 – 1804 | Henry Addington | Tory |
1804 – 1806 | William Pitt | Tory |
1806 – 1807 | Lord Grenville | Whig |
1807 – 1809 | Duke of Portland | Whig |
1809 – 1812 | Spencer Perceval | Tory |
1812 – 1827 | Earl of Liverpool | Tory |
1827 | George Canning | Tory |
1827 – 1828 | Viscount Goderich | Tory |
1828 – 1830 | Duke of Wellington | Tory |
1830 – 1834 | Earl Grey | Whig |
1834 | Lord Melbourne | Whig |
1834 | Duke of Wellington | Tory |
1834 – 1835 | Sir Robert Peel | Tory |
1835 – 1841 | Lord Melbourne | Whig |
1841 – 1846 | Sir Robert Peel | Tory |
1846 – 1852 | Lord John Russell | Liberal |
1852 | Earl of Derby | Conservative |
1852 – 1855 | Earl of Aberdeen | Tory |
1855 – 1858 | Viscount Palmerston | Liberal |
1858 – 1859 | Earl of Derby | Conservative |
1859 – 1865 | Viscount Palmerston | Liberal |
1865 – 1866 | Lord John Russell | Liberal |
1866 – 1868 | Earl of Derby | Conservative |
1868 | Benjamin Disraeli | Conservative |
1868 – 1874 | William Ewart Gladstone | Liberal |
1874 – 1880 | Benjamin Disraeli | Conservative |
1880 – 1885 | William Ewart Gladstone | Liberal |
1885 – 1886 | Marquess of Salisbury | Conservative |
1886 | William Ewart Gladstone | Liberal |
1886 – 1892 | Marquess of Salisbury | Conservative |
1892 – 1894 | William Ewart Gladstone | Liberal |
1894 – 1895 | Earl of Rosebery | Liberal |
1895 – 1902 | Marquess of Salisbury | Conservative |
1902 – 1905 | Arthur James Balfour | Conservative |
1905 – 1908 | Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman | Liberal |
1908 – 1916 | Herbert Henry Asquith | Liberal |
1916 – 1922 | David Lloyd George | Liberal |
1922 – 1923 | Andrew Bonar Law | Conservative |
1923 – 1924 | Stanley Baldwin | Conservative |
1924 | Ramsay MacDonald | Labour |
1924 – 1929 | Stanley Baldwin | Conservative |
1929 – 1935 | Ramsay MacDonald | Labour (National Labour from 1931) |
1935 – 1937 | Stanley Baldwin | Conservative |
1937 – 1940 | Neville Chamberlain | National Government |
1940 – 1945 | Winston Spencer Churchill | Wartime Coalition |
1945 – 1951 | Clement Atlee | Labour |
1951 – 1955 | Winston Spencer Churchill | Conservative |
1955 – 1957 | Anthony Eden | Conservative |
1957 – 1963 | Harold Macmillan | Conservative |
1963 – 1964 | Sir Alec Douglas-Home | Conservative |
1964 – 1970 | Harold Wilson | Labour |
1970 – 1974 | Edward Heath | Conservative |
1974 – 1976 | Harold Wilson | Labour |
1976 – 1979 | James Callaghan | Labour |
1979 – 1990 | Margaret Hilda Thatcher | Conservative |
1990 – 1997 | John Major | Conservative |
1997 – 2007 | Tony Blair | Labour |
2007 – 2010 | Gordon Brown | Labour |
2010 – 2015 | David Cameron | Conservative-Liberal Coalition |
2015 – 2016 | David Cameron | Conservative |
2016 – 2019 | Theresa May | Conservative |
2019 – 2022 | Boris Johnson | Conservative |
2022 | Liz Truss | Conservative |
2022 – 2024 | Rishi Sunak | Conservative |
2024 – date | Keir Starmer | Labour |